Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

Call me crazy, but I don’t think it’s Whysper, looking back I don’t think scum Whysper put this much effort into Wild West FM

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Well they were never really pushed upon gorta, but it may be a point

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Wild West? What’s that? Never heard of it.

Do you ever just not do anything for a while because you’re in everyone’s towncore and don’t want to get NKed so that you can lead the town later… but Whysper says no
Normally not this inactive though, I really were busy

maybe, I spent the evening playing Secret Hitler and hanging out with friends. like I said I am a lazy bastard

also effort posts incoming

Compare this

Wild West

To this

This game

[quote=“Whysper, post:1529, topic:83624, full:true”]
Case B: Disputing Alice

Alice made this statement about Esquiddy that he should be town-leaned for questioning why I town-leaned Derps.

I see that I am still voting a dead body.

My strong TRs are my town core. But for TLs, there’s Tro and Gorta. I’m currently doing some re-evaluation though based on a new way of looking at things.

You know, the fact that you gave this even minor concession gives me hope that you might be town, Luxy. I get that you really don’t like me. That’s fine. But once I flip town, I ask you to please keep an open-mind about the situation we’re in.

Whysper doesn’t looks to be scum here.

And well, it seems like I was back in everyone’s PoE again.

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honestly i don’t think you’re scum here, this is entirely different from Wild West, your frustration looked genuine and you’ve started to post much better content.
gorta i’d likely townlean as well, though this isn’t quite AI i like that they’ve been putting in more effort than past games i’ve seen and are actually trying to solve here.
insanity though i can’t say i like at the moment, their apology post for the EoD looked far too formal and performative and they’ve been a bit frozen so far?


That EoD play makes me really unable to sleep that night, so…yeah.

And well, regarding a little bit frozen - I am seriously trying to do something, but problem is that I basically find everyone in like the town lean side.

And then everybody that I scumread basically turns up to be town…so there is that.

do you have a readlist at the moment? if not, would you mind making one when you have the time? i’d like to see your view of the game right now







I just didn’t really know anymore. I am basically putting every players that I found tough to read at null, and then everyone else at townlean.

now that i think about it, i’d like to hear more from PKR on why exactly he SR’s surge. he seems to be well in his town meta here and you can’t exactly vote a player just for annoying you? surge is apparently easy to meta-read so surely multiple people would’ve pointed out if he was scum here.
but thank you insanity, i’ll do another iso-dive on you in the morning.

PKR scumread Surge for basically doing nothing .-.

Which is…ehh.

This opening is very NAI in my opinion

This is their first interaction with Eli

I this is a semi villagery thought. I know if I was a wolf I would scare people into speaking in various different versions of English to sow discord.

They also suggest the word bank, could be performative, but I don’t know

In my opinion PKR’s reads are the scummiest parts of a very null slot. Like some of these just seem forced

Ok, so this is interesting. PKR starts out claiming the wolves are in low posters, but then starts up with deep wolf paranoia d2. I hate sudden changes like this with no explanation. Alice did something similar regarding me and some others in SFoL 63

@PokemonKidRyan did you ever do those ISO deep dives?

It is reads like this that make me kind of SR PKR here. Why is PKR voting an obvious towny just because this person isn’t doing much?

I don’t think this is a terrible thought on the surface, but he really gives no reasoning and there isn’t much evidence to support that this is true.

Like this is such a complete narrative change for PKR and it has almost no progression and nothing to back it up

This is a PoE spot with some wolf equity in my opinion. I think PKR’s reads are semi fake and everything he has done is very fakable. I wouldn’t have a problem with this slot going today.

Gorta, I’ve been getting highly suspicious of Marshal as well. You say that you see a pattern from previous games you’ve played with him? Did you play with him as wolf before?

I don’t know, it’s a possible pattern

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