Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (3/17) - Day 5 - Planters (Mafia) Win!

entirely? no

but you coulda just yeeted it

but i get it

lessons lessons

being a PR is stressful


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The quality of town’s play after you died doesn’t change the quality of your own play.

Even if jane was wolf I think it would be a bad play.

It’s like if my dad was like “Well son, I gambled your college savings and I doubled the money!”

I’m not gonna be pissed but that doesn’t change that gambling my college savings is a dumb idea

and if he went “Well son, I gambled your college savings and I lost all of it” even thought I specifically told him just to not touch it i’d be rightfully mad

you took a gamble you should not have and lost, even if I flunked out of college doesn’t change that you should not have gambled my savings

even if you doubled the money doesn’t change that you should not have done it

this isn’t comparative, it was not a good idea regardless of the eventual outcome, and this conversation is no longer productive so im just going to not


i just got nice reply for a post i made like
three months ago

Can you give me one?

Fair. But I didn’t see it as a gamble since I thought even if I was wrong, at the end of day 2 the game state was the same.

I haven’t had a chance to go through all the chat yet. I skimmed through but want to read again. Many of you have much kinder words than I was expecting. It truly makes me want to cry. :cry:

I have apologies as well for my part in making things go off the rails for town. I kept wondering whether it would have been better in the long run for me to try to get ML’d so I didn’t draw so much attention away from the real wolves. From hindsight, perhaps it would have been since I was a constant wagon and the final ML. But as far as gameplay, I don’t think we want to encourage people to just give up when they are targeted.

I think I saw Apprentice or Geyde or perhaps both suggest something about how we need to better calibrate our reads based on player personalities. This is definitely something I am behind. I think this would make reads much better. I’m toying with the idea of developing a personality type list similar to Myer-Briggs or the Big Five.

I hope there are no hard feelings. I don’t hold any grudges. I completely understand how each player reacted based on their playstyle and view of how the game should be played even if I don’t entirely agree with their mindsets. And I honestly wasn’t trying to start deep wolf hunting nor going against the top tier players or whatever. I’m sorry it ended up that way.

Okay, stopping here since this is already bordering on becoming a wallpost. :slight_smile:


no one is mad at you Whysper

frankly the extent to which you continued posting and solving, even under pressure, is commendable :orange_heart:


whysper shush now
you did so well considering this was only your fourth game and i for one would have just frozen and let others do the decision making for me. but you kept putting in effort and didn’t give up. you’ve proven yourself to be a good player already but even i understand why you’d want to take a break for awhile now and i don’t blame you for it.
long story short go whysper! also please adopt me


Yeah, I think a short break will be good. I also want to get back to practicing reads and evaluate my games. I was suppose to continue that with Geyde but never did since I spent all my available time on the games. It’s too hard to do both at the same time, so I need to focus on the practice/improvement for now.

Haha, I’d love to adopt you. My two nieces, whom I treat like daughters, are only like a few years younger than you. :grinning: They would love you as a big sister.


Whysper u did amazing, no worries

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Oh God, I’m not sure how I feel about the 2 quotes of mine that were nominated. Though I still stand behind much of the sentiments, I’m feeling a bit ashamed with my wording. Haha. :slight_smile:

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oh god that was so sweet i will cry don’t test me
also don’t be ashamed of your wording there i may have been the one rapping the whole time but you were spitting the real fire


this is honestly the main takeaway @whysper

even when i voted you i still thought you were somewhat towny

you were under the hotspot literally all game and you knew it was wrong but instead of getting mad or giving up you kept fighting, a lot of players struggle with that and i personally know i can shut down a bit

i think if we slept we might have gotten there in F3

i have a lot of respect for how much you tried and im sorry you still lost :upside_down_face:


Paper plate time

Congrats @Whysper for being voted best town team player

Also congrats to @Appelsiini for best scum team player

You two did great!


Oh, thank you so much for the team player award. :slight_smile: I am so grateful to those who voted for me. I appreciate the recognition of my passion (though sometimes misdirected :slight_smile:) for the game.

Congrats to the wolf team for winning! Appel did an excellent job of establishing herself as town and maintaining that position to the end. :slight_smile:

While there were a number of other wonderful players, I did want to make a shout out for the town player I ended up choosing: Katze. Both Vulgard and Katze did a great job stepping into their slots and making the end game quite interesting. Katze additionally expanded my thinking enough to wonder about Appel and Vulgard. Unfortunately I was stuck in mostly thinking he was a wolf and trying to trick me. But if things had gone into the next day, who knows, he might have convinced me further. Still, not sure that would have been enough for us to win. Anyway, nice work, Katze. :slight_smile:


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i’m going to strangle you



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i feel infinitely baited

I almost fell for it