Weekly Monday Discussion #5 - Alts & Awards!

I understand why you like it
it’s just
I’ve thought about this from enough perspectives to say that the cons outweigh the pros

geyde you’re literally voting to keep it

i won’t cry if it gets removed but i’m not going to vote for it getting removed

Hippo is lock v

alice voting to keep alts honestly made me laugh

we all know why :stuck_out_tongue:


oh i missed this

once i win an award we can remove them

The only reason I want alts still is that my next alt is going to be a heavy role play under the name Shrek_Gurl_12. I already have my first post prepared.

Ok my lil ogrettes, let’s get some things straight before we start the game:

  1. :clap: Okay :clap: so :clap: do :clap: not :clap: bother :clap: to :clap: adress :clap: me :clap: if :clap: you :clap: haven’t :clap: seen :clap: every :clap: Shrek :clap: film :clap: at :clap: least :clap: 4 :clap: times :clap:

  2. :clap: Yes :clap: this :clap: includes :clap: Shrek :clap: the :clap: Halls, :clap: Shrek :clap: Forever :clap: After :clap: and Scared :clap: Shrekless :clap:

  3. :clap: Do :clap: not :clap: bother :clap: to :clap: adress :clap: me :clap: If :clap: you :clap: can’t :clap: name :clap: all :clap: of :clap: Donkey :clap: and :clap: Elizabeth :clap: the :clap: dragon’s :clap: babies :clap:

  4. :clap: If :clap: you :clap: disobey :clap: any :clap: of :clap: these :clap: rules :clap: I :clap: will :clap: tunel :clap: you :clap: and :clap: make :clap: up :clap: fake :clap: info :clap: about :clap: you :clap: to :clap: get :clap: you :clap: killed :clap: you :clap: heathen :clap:


I would lynch you for that post

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it’s decided, we have to keep alts now


made my day, thank you hippo

Personal opinion

Alts helped me be more productive

For some reason gives me more reasons to try in game than playing as self

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he takes off cowboy hat, uncovering his deep blue eyes. He pats the back of his horse.

There, room for 2 on here, you know. That sunset won’t chase itself.

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I liked playing on an alt and would be sad to see it go. I don’t have great issues with others that have played alts. Some I have actively enjoyed, some I have actively despised. Just like non-alts so :man_shrugging:

Allowing alt speculation is bleh for having to defend yourself from that sometimes then. Imagine being misread as some other player and having to argue not being that player… instead of like playing fm. Now imagine that with an actual new player.

Wisdom of the alt mod is what I’d be leaning for to prevent alts being obvious alts, but that is also definitely not a perfect solution.

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My issues with that, personally, are:

  • This is already an issue, just not one you can talk about publicly, especially because alts are so easily distinguishable from actual new players
  • WotM is already supposedly in place via the fact that you have to apply to alt, and further restriction in this area is likely to end poorly imo due to the fact that it’s so heavily based on opinion

Which is kinda why I’m leaning just killing them :man_shrugging:

I believe it’s worth a shot to change the system

as it currently stands it’s worse than just no alts

I think it could improve and I don’t think it should be scrapped entirely

but if it doesnt

kill it with fire is fine

But the only change I’ve seen suggested thus far, allowing public alt speculation, destroys the only thing alts were ever supposed to enable, increases the amount of ogi used publicly in games, and only patches out one frustration. That’s not really a fix and I may be blind but I haven’t seen anything else suggested that would be better.

Like I think it would be a good change just to increase player comfort amongst non-alts but barely helping a broken system while removing any excuse it had for existing is ??? when removal is also a perfectly fine option

Alts did do that for me though. I can’t speculate on other’s meta, because I pose as a new player and others don’t have meta on me. I like this site’s format and haven’t found a similar site, nor do I have a strong desire/time to migrate.

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Quick question

Would having a account that’s perpetually only used for alts and is passed on from one game to the next help with this?

If you ever want to give it a try