Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Also I am sorry to hear that, if you need you can take a break. This game can be really taxing, so don’t break yourself over trying to be here constantly. Just some activity and reads can serve as enough in the long run. Take care of yourself

wazza, i hope you take care of your hand and that it stops paining you soon.
the main wagon possibilities i see today are intensify/apprentice, however. does anyone have a quick link to the cases on these two?

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Here is my case for App

You can read the posts that follow it shortly to hear the other side.

app iso

I get that it could be RVS but there’s literally no progression here

super dismissive and honestly kinda overreacty too

I don’t really like this

This is interesting. This feels like the lowest-effort way to TR someone. No progression, they’re just suddenly town.

Atrocious handling of SvT wagons

This is wierd.
I said I TR’d mole, and app still gets defensive of them

Have I mentioned that his thoughts on mole are whack?

This post doesn’t make sense in light of their read on mole
It looks like they’re just trying to snipe poor posts

I TR mole.
You are wrong for TR’ing mole

this doesn’t make sense to me

Like this is the closest they’ve come to giving a reason for TR’ing mole?

This post feels like it should come after a lot more stuff about cecil.
It’s a good post in a vacuum, but kinda ??? here?
Like it looks like what a normal somewhat tunnelly villager would do on an SR, but there’s no SR here?

Like they aren’t even disagreeing with people. They’re just saying that the way they’re going about it is wrong.

Also it’s getting toward EoD and they haven’t reevaluated or even thought of surge since the vote. They’re just assuming that he’s going to flip scum.

This is a read that they threw out ealier, and never listened to anyone else’s take on it.
They just reiterate it.
speaks to agenda

Seem to be genuinely surprised.
Also seems to have an overinflated opinion of how towny they’ve been
Also seem to care a lot more about their image than solving

Also seem to not be surprised that cecil died

This feels like it spews something but idk what

Like still no surprise that cecil is dead. Just acts as though they’re good town.
I don’t think there’s a towny headspace that goes from “X likely powerwolf” to “let’s just check their reads” with nothing in between

not quoting the whole thing where they AtE, but it feels kinda like intensify alone in joat^2 where they just lay down limp like a toddler in a store.

zero progression, as normal
I needn’t bring up that this is wildly opportunistic.
And also app doesn’t seem very mad about it.

still not evaluating, terrible reasoning

Just talking about why they should die.
Not helping anything

I would reccomend that everyone at least read my comments

Main thing to note:
Their attitude on cecil.
EoD1, they say that cecil is likely powerwolf and should never endgame
D2, they don’t even bat an eye that they died. They only acknowledge it when going back to sheep reads, which makes no sense if they’ve had no progression since what they were saying D1.

So with that I will
/unvote @Marshal @Italy @Insanity
/intentToVote Apprentice

I’m holding off on the actual vote for now because I don’t really want to get too close to majority this early, but for all intents and purposes please treat this as a normal vote

Intensify opposed Seth’s wagon and said he was TWTBW.

This feels like weird backtracking. It feels like Intensify doesn’t want to take responsibility for actually townreading Seth but they still don’t want him lynched.

“I will stay true to my word” why? Why not just push Seth if he’s wolfy to you? This whole progression feels like Intensify is hoping for Seth to do something towny and heavily hinting to Seth that he needs to start acting townier.

thank you uni, it’s appreciated!
on intensify, a main issue i had with him yesterday was the, quite frankly, odd behaviour regarding their shot. it seemed very flip-floppy with too quick a decision to save it. i agree that app was a good shot for them, i’m just not sure i like how they came about it.

eh, 5/9
further than I thought

/vote Apprentice @Marshal @Italy @Insanity

Wait why is this responding to my RT on Appel?

Not RT*

May I say, his tone is similar to Dreaming Gods And Dreaming Titans FM, which you might want to read. I could pull up some posts to show you, but I can see that coming from town!Intensify

I was going to put in some more posts but I felt like the case would be more effective if I just concentrated on your Seth read for now. Your TR on Appel was slightly pingy since you TRed them for “doing things a good villager should do,” but I mostly suspect you because of the way you approached Seth.

Okay I guess I’ll take a look at that.


Target Votes Voters
an_gorta_pratai 2/9 Centuries, Light
Intensify 2/9 Wazza, Thunal33
Apprentice 6/9 Appelsiini, Vulgard, Luxy, Whysper, Universal, ash4fun
Not Voting 6 Trochidillae, an_gorta_pratai, Intensify, Sulit, eevee, Apprentice
ITA’ed ITA user Result
Leafia Light, Luxy Miss, Hit!
Deadbananas0 Yee-Claw Hit!
ClonedCheese Applesiini Hit!
Mist1422 PokemonKidRyan Hit!
Moleland Universal, Thunal33, Trochilidae, Centuries Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
Yee-Claw Deadbananas0, Ash4fun, Apprentice, An_Gorta_pratai Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit!
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Wazza, Whysper Miss, Miss, Hit!
Intensify Mist1422, Sulit Miss, Miss!
Apprentice Intensify Miss!
Not yet ITA’ed Eevee

What’s an RT?

i’d just like to request no quickhammering please.
uni, i’ve read your ISO of app, and i’m willing to admit my earlier instinct to TR him simply for wanting to be shot is more than likely wrong here. his staunch defense of mole, who flipped red, is too much of a coincidence to ignore here. i agree that these interactions feel like w/w to me, especially near the start of the game while app simultaneously tried to clear mole and throw suspicion on surge at the same time.

a Reaction Test, i believe here

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Me defending Seth is just bad luck, I can see why you want to lonch me for it

In that Gods and Titans game Intensify’s tone feels somewhat similar but I think he had more emotion in that game and put in more effort. What does a scum Intensify look like?

DGADTFM was a while ago, but I’m pretty sure I never cried once there or showed muich emotion, except for they lonched me for being role-cleaning SK

I feel like Intensify just always has this awkward wording and inconfidence in their posts
But actually lol, Intensify is putting noticeably more effort in that game. Intensify, what have been your goals this game?

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