Wild West FM - Day 5 - Mafia Win!

Reread what I said. Studied closely doesnā€™t mean killed and letā€™s face it. I canā€™t imagine scum letting you live for very long if youā€™re town.

People are making serious votes already but Iā€™m clueless. Itā€™s really hard to read people when I have no meta on the vast majority of this playerlist.

I mean your push on me is wrong but Iā€™m not going to stress over it.
Iā€™m sure eventually itā€™ll become clear on me being Town throughout more of the game.
Meanwhile iā€™ll be trying to make some solves here so even if you do ML me youā€™ll have something to go off of.

Whatā€™s your approach to this game Thunal?

the problem with your post is that youā€™re not making an alignment read on me
but youā€™re already suggesting that:

  1. i wonā€™t live long if iā€™m town
  2. i should be killed by town if i do live long

and i find it baffling, because youā€™re doing that instead of trying to get my alignment
narratives > alignment read

Hmm sounds good. I keep wondering if people truly understand others this well from previous games. Vulgare often seems so confident. And Seth is apparently weird in games, so not sure how to read him. :grinning:

Ummā€¦ see how it goes? I donā€™t really have a planned approach laid out on D1 (except occasionally when Iā€™m scum)

I am not used to Seth acting this way as any meta.
Most intriguingā€¦
I will have to sus him out later.

/vote Whysper

Well what do you think?
What do you believe is the case behind this hmm?

he must be a bastard neutral

I donā€™t really get how to read Seth aaa.

You are already entertaining me Vul but I have yet to feel my gut village read on ya.

Excuse me, I call copy right.

This is new for me so Iā€™m looking less towny than both my usual town game and my usual scum game so far.

I donā€™t like how they just pointed out things people did with no actual thoughts on what itā€™d mean. Meh.


i felt that self-awareness 100 within that post
not sure if itā€™s scummy but yeah

Youā€™re thinking about they way you appear to others a lot tbh

Thunal doesnā€™t want to post anything alignment indicative at this point