[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Oh my god shadethrowing

I’m also of the idea of hearing more from PKR and SDA

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Either scum are happy with our conclusion
Or they havent attempted talking

Which… I think it could be the latter but it still feels off.


If scum are theoretically ok with our conclusion, where does that leave us then?

I’ve gone back to thinking that scum is more or less lowposting and lurking and watching so that they know how to control the thread when they come in.

Town is a train. Scum just needs to steer it slightly to derail us. (Or town, I could very well be mistaken on the low posting thing)

Wolves however is like a boulder. Need a Saitama to smash the boulder before they crush our dreams DX

Ofc it’s hard to tell because it’s a holiday and people are just generally going to lowpost today and tomorrow, but it’s a bit too coincidental that my PoE lies within people who have been pretty quiet. At least Illwei is making an effort right now, but I can’t clear people based on activity levels as it wouldn’t be fair or AI in most cases.

No Town are like babies.

We shouldn’t trust them with guns or any sort of killing weapon or else we’re screwed

And unlike D1, I feel pretty confident today that there’s at least one scum in my PoE.

Aren’t you glad we don’t have a JoaT vig…

Oh yeah acutally now that I think about it. I did have a slight odd feeling from Arc… so I just want to clarify things.

@WindwardAway or anyone else who’s played with Arc, is Arc usually this… set-in stone about his reads or his pushes? Like I might be delusional or whatever but it feels like Arc is very straight-forward about pushing certain people and reads and doesn’t really give any room to re-eval.

Yes it’s a holiday

Also I read we shouldnt tinfoil here because that’s bad and distracts us off our current situation. Apparently tinfoils only are used when town is in a really bad spot.

I would have shot Maple and then blame it on Eli, saying “why is town so bad” before realising im the bad town :stuck_out_tongue:


He is, yes. He spent a full day and a half pushing me when I was town PR and didn’t change his mind till we got mech info.

First of all that’s a giant jump lmao
second of all I skimmed your essay but really can’t read it it’s too many words and not enough things.


  • there are two Joat A claims and two Joat B claims, right?

Joat A: Min, Maple
Joat B: Eli, Eevee

  • You can assume which one is which, but you can’t know for sure.

and- I was writing up more but this is going on for too long and is a completely pointless argument.

Scum do not know who people are going to Heal. As I said, I personally wouldn’t have protected Eevee. By targeting both Joat B claims, they were more likely to hit an actual Joat at all than if they targeted one from each. one is 100% success on something and a possible Joat kill, the other is 50% chance of doing anything and still possibly no Joat kill. I honestly have no Idea what you think I might be trying to cover up lmao.

Ok good.

Cause I was gonna say, it feels really odd that he’s so confident about his reads, it almost feels like a scum pushing an agenda very hard

I see you’ve been studying at MU Academy :P.

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In the second game I played with him, he didn’t death tunnel and he was scum lol. He was more laid back and didn’t push any reads.

Ahh so you meant scum was likely to at least identify JoaT B from it and not necessarily kill.

That makes more sense.

Yes. If they were planning on trying to actually kill someone and have it go through, then I don’t see why they would have targeted any of the Joat claims.

Wait so are we theorizing that mafia intentionally occupied one Joat B and killed the other Joat B to figure out which is the real Joat???

The thing you have to consider, too, though, is that if Eli had jailkept, he wouldn’t have received feedback about a roleblock, and thus the scum would also not know whether he was JoaT B. They could only hope that they actually roleblocked him and that his target was open for a kill, but as we determined at least for us, it wouldn’t make sense for Eli to protect Eevee anyway.

So if Eli had used a protective action, it would have been blocked, there would still be no deaths, and scum would not know whether Eli was a JoaT or not, except that he wasn’t on Eevee.