[Winter Event] JoaTJoaTJoaT13 - Mafia wins!

Eevee is doing eevee things
which is fine if they’re helpful to eevee
What’s not fine is if eevee gets killed tonight and then we don’t know what eevee was thinking

Tell them to stop pinging me every 5 minuets.

Especially considering I already went through Maple, PKR, Windward and Shurian since they started pinging AND THEY STILL SAY I DO NOTHING IN THIS GAME.

This is literally insulting me at this point.

Apparently none of my reads fucking matters, none of my opinions or discussions matters.
It’s just “EEVEE DOESNT CARE TROLOLOLOLOLO” at this point.

If he dies tonight and flips vt we’re peachy

Who do you think is scum?

I mean I can’t refute that XD
Life can be quite a sucker at times

Okay, how you don’t know my opinions.


I spoke of 5 different people today, expressed my opinions and justified them.
How hard is to read and understand them?

I didn’t say you did nothing. I read your actions as clearing min and Maple yesterday FFS.

What I can’t tell is if you have a strong opinion on anyone in the current PoE or if you’re just prompting us to write more on it. I see you calling Maple lazy for picking Shurian and Illwei but you didn’t say they’re bad choices.

Yes, I’ve seen villagers do that and if you are it’s unfortunate, but fact is you never came to my birthday party so now I’m blocking you on Facebook

no you haven’t

Ok I’ll scroll up and dig through this stupid mobile ISO and look for them

I mean
Eevee seems quite obvious to me

Ya’ll just burning all your IQ at this point
Eevee want some chonk?

No please I would like to start stalking you, I can’t be blocked before I even begin!

eevee you haven’t given reads on 5 people

today the only thing you’ve done is mech talk about the JOATs, saying my readlist is crap and not explaining why, calling maple lazy and going off at PKR


I know you can be annoyed or whatever

But sometimes you guys really disregard others feelings and make him feel like shit while doing so

Sometimes you guys act like people who started playing fm this year are like suddenly supposed to be as good as you and you are passive aggressive and outright rude to them when they aren’t as good as you

Maybe instead of calling people bad just explain how they can get better?

if lazy is your playstyle whatever
but you don’t get to call out others for being lazy when you do the exact same thing

Well, they aren’t bad choices.

Low effort players like Shurian (Who has low amount of game-changing contect if any) will always be in PoE, just becouse not being able to take themselves out of it.

Problem starts that it is still lazy choice to pick a lazy player.
Laziness is not necessarly always scum indicative.
It’s more of “eliminate, cause they shouldn’t be at endgame” thing.

Why are there people fighting right now after the nice little discussion we had yesterday?

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When I do have content
It’s me deathtunneling a town

Not gonna lie I totally forgot you were in this game

Now my poe is messed up :sob:


I see eevee confirm maple
I see eevee not voting Eli which I take as a confirmation
Eevee is confirmed by min so eevee confirms min

I don’t see eevee outright scumreading PKR but I do see him being annoyed for PKR casting shade on Maple.

I see eevee calling Shurian interesting and asking for maple to analyze them instead of light/derps.

Good enough, eevee?