Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

It’s probably my fault that I didn’t just tell him that Ici-tokens are not a real currency any more and they’ve all been spent already but

I have 2 strength, I literally cannot just try to strangle to kill lol

ill trust it wasn’t some insane murder plot and that i just mis-saw

good that’s cleared up

People said you were afk until like a short time before the due date for the tokens, in which you told me that you’d gotten rid of them and I no longer tried to strangle you.

I mean, my stats are literally the same as before, so I’m not lying.
I know it’s just my word here but you should know how important my word is to me within miscs

see pkr is probably aware i can just banish him
so he has every reason to try and deceive me

I mean, I’ll be honest in that what I saw looked directly like PKR and TL were trying to actually kill ici

I think? I saw “she has 24 hours to live” somewhere in there, I think related to drowning

but again I’m a faulty witness, what I saw could be exactly what PKR said

you shouldn’t banish him over this

that’s what i was chasing ici down to talk about in the first place but we never actually got to talk because timezones

Bruh, of course I’m aware.
I told you I was aware iirc.

I mean, also, that is what in itself gives me motive to want to directly kill you.
But I said to you I wouldn’t and I haven’t tried to.

I wouldn’t know since Wazza actually removed me from that PM.

I’m sure you can ask for a recount of messages

I don’t think I was actually meant to be in that PM (my justification is I heard things through my dorm door) but you were


but like seriously I wouldn’t have even been under suspicion for it. Geyde was leaning towards Jane. I’ll play towards my wincon as MM

see i don’t think pkr has tried to kill me yet
but the way he’s acting i think he’s probably going to

honestly I think he’s gonna need some help if he wants to accomplish that lol

TL made that as a suggestion because I said I tried to steal from Ici and failed so often that Wazza told me that to steal, the target has to be KOd or dead. I then said I’d rather them be alive because I owed it to her.
But I tried to strangle Ici with my hands and 2 strength.

TL said that if Ici didn’t trade their tokens then we needed to find a way for me to kill Ici so that I survive at least (IIRC).

It also was like 24 hours-ish before the end date for the me-tokens thing so it would fit.

I mean lol stats

you could’ve just asked me and i would’ve told you i had no tokens! if i did still have mine i’d have given them to you!

I’m going to kill you if you keep using me as leverage and pretty much a meat shield with no consequences. It really kinda annoys me since I have promised you many times I want no harm to come to you and for us to be allies in full.

I did explain why I tried to strangle you, did I not?

that doesn’t stop me from being upset about it.