54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

closes the fuck out of that game

never again

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posts 916-923


anyway good episode

good season

god damn priestess silencing minorities




/pet the fox

that’s a dog not a fox

You can find those things without joining a cult

And should find those things without joining a cult

After all, I’m not sure being manipulated into feeling that way is really the same as actually achieving it yourself


the only way to achieve peace is the end


throwback fridays

best part of that

ive actually reread m15er like 10 times

the game is just so fucking funny

is this where i post 70 times to get the cookie by myself but then someone comes and snipes it at the last second

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

what is your guy’s favorite fruit

mafia academy was the only game where i was confident about my reads and right

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give the fortune you robotic ass bitch