[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I do not have concrete proof of that, however the comedic instance of “comment on your name” is rare enough that I think there is a highly likely chance they were doing it, as a copy of my typing style, and comedy.

What I am trying to figure out is if copying my comedic fixation on your name is wolf indicative, and if so, how much.

I think a semi-likely theory is that Shallow is Mafia, who is trying to blend in, either consciously or unconsciously, by copying my joke.

This is not hard evidence, but as there are only 121 posts in the game thread, this is the person who I want pressure on the most.

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Babylon you ignored Enigma’s question about why you thought the interaction with Replay was SvS.

Enigma is sad.

I currently am hoping for more content, from those with the names of


I have given my thoughts on Venus, Enigma, and Applause, as well as myself.

That leaves Paparazzi and Telephone. Those are two slots who have been actively posting, but I do not find myself immediately townreading. I may look into those two soon. I must explore my feelings before deciding if I love them.

came across as half-hearted, coordinated response
there’s reason to go much further or not engage at all
this kind of lukewarm “meh” accusations and defense seems coordinated

After reading Paparazzi and Telephone, I still have them in null reads. I do not feel comfortable commiting to a read on either of them at this point. As the day progresses, these players might be ones I can come to love or not love. For now, I have no feelings towards them.

If I had to rank my reads, I would probably put them at somewhere like this.





If I am cop, my night 0 check is on Enigma. I love them more than anybody else. Enigma is Game.

Their is no night zero

Doesn’t this setup always have a n0? That is a big appeal of it, after all, with everybody claiming their n0 and what not to cover for the cop.

Look at the cards

I knew what the setup was, I was making a joke.

Please do not read in to the above posts, it was a joke gone sour, I am afraid.

Why do you think it might be s vs s?

Now everyone’s posted…


That’s how I feel about things so far. I’d be open to a case to lynch any of my bottom 4 or 5 right now.

again, weak pushes and small bickering

not to mention that just entirely looked like someone calling for their scummate to participate

You mean applause? I honestly hate they conveniently showed up with 5 minutes of being pinged too

I want everyone to give full reads at least once, but preferably twice a day. There are too few of us to tolerate passengers imo.

Enigma has a very similar readslist to this. Enigma’s bottom three is simialir.

Enigma likes LoveGame howeve, and would have them definitely far above Babylon at least.

Why not love Shallow?

T’was a joke vote, so /unvote. Shallow love SoD joke vote. A bit surprised to see that my joke vote caught steam, but I will read that over in a bit

Referring to yourself like this is obnoxious please don’t.


If I read the set up correctly, it us 7 vs 2? Not the hellscape of 6 vs 3 I was thinking it was for some reason?