Best/Worst Forum Mafia Quotes

yes but you are deep cat

as a deeponian you wouldn’t see any issue with it

Marcus stop making this cursed

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Close this thread nothings evrer gonna top this its downhill from here.

There are better quotes like copy pastas

like this one

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Hey stop keep that one hidden

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So that’s why you’re good player

It’s a meme

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Freaking Baz

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It was an honor to be the wolf MVP :wink:



I then proceed to argue a lot, why it’s not a good idea, but at least that would improve the angle slightly.

I need context.

Jokes on him. I’ve designed a computer program that writes lines that specifically trick HIS computer program into thinking I’m town


It works by just reading the optimal line off the jester handbook. But then including “/s” in every other line.

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I’ve set up a computer program that rerolls my class if I don’t like it.

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hey THAT is cheating

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No it’s perfect. I can even set my class as something specific, even unique classes. So there can be 2 princes.
Not to mention, i can set other player’s classes.

@Emilia @James read this.


The Eyes won’t do me any good if he’s not the real M!

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