Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)

It has been established that one of the Minions must include a Spy. This reasoning is insufficient, as the Minions would know not to trust them.

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Ummm, actually that’s not quite true since App didn’t switch claims hiimself after supposedly disproven. I’m switching claims because I replaced in and I’m laying all my cards on the table. I don’t see any reasoning for why App maintained the other claim.

I’m saying that was probably his reasoning for starting the claim. I have no idea why he maintained it other than he was losing WiM.

We currently have 9 good votes

If Marl + Arctic + Night all execute app, we have enough

If Canta + Marl + Arctic + Night all execute app, we have 1 over

Proooobably best to throw a ghost vote on there to be safe and prevent ties (night could last minute switch and try to justify it, etc)

We can save the rest of ghostvotes for tommorow

Man, this is giving me flashbacks to that early game I played where I was going to be ML’d by Marshal and Alice and others. At least this game I didn’t have to go through a few days of that. :slight_smile:

I have learned that whysper’s pretty good at emotional manipulation
this is bad

Haha hardly :slight_smile:

Actually I was probably one of the worst people to replace into this slot when it was already heading towards execution. But I saw the need for a replacement and thought I’d help. :slight_smile:

And actually the fact that you keep trying to pick on every little thing to paint me as scum is concerning. At least Marshal is basing his stance on general logical reasoning. You’ve already admitted you hardly know what is going on in the thread, but you want to use every little thing to try convincing yourself I’m scum and not even thinking really. Or you are scum as App was thinking.

It’s like you are jumping at every little comment I make now and trying to shape it to your scenario of me being evil. But you were hardly even commenting coherently when we were discussing outsiders and gambler claims and such. You seemed so clueless and not really trying. Just basically saying there must be some reason why I’m scum.

Marshal clearly has the understanding of the scenarios, so I can respect why he’s taking his stance. I probably would do the same in his position. I just hope he’ll actually look more into things as he hinted he might.

Only about three hours left to get those nominations in.

I know I’m the not most coherent writer
I’m pointing out things I’m seeing
The thing about emotional manipulation was a little joke/compliment, since those (the one to Marshal + to me) were really strong AtE provoking past “injustices”
That doesn’t change the points of:

  1. an extremely questionable Saint claim
  2. an effort to attack me, long after a death that should’ve cleared me, with little reason of your own

The first one sure, maybe App was just being not very smart
I’m still waiting for the second one; I’ve already explained how a continuous worldbuilding around scum!cheese is inherently scummy

oh great, so I could have been the assassin target

a fun afternoon? we have been trapped in this dang clocktower for days now

Gdi I woke up 2 hours too soon.
I’m gonna try to get some sleep and hope to wake up in approx 1hr 30.
I need to be on for end of nomination.

Also @Whysper I knew you was hiding a gem in that slot.
App was too clearly pure. I knew it.

I’m going through App’s posts. I can see why he got frustrated in this game. He had so much invested into solving this but then everyone just assuming Pigeon/Arctic was a town slot.

I’m considering either self nomming or nomming Night to protect you come end of phase.
I’m too tired to really evaluate which nomination is the best at this time.

Keep up the good work, I’ll try and protect you as much as possible come end of phase.
We’ll hopefully get you through this

I saw that App was trying to appeal to Marshal to think things through. I’m hoping that Marshal and others go back through App’s posts. I can just see from all that how he was really invested in figuring this all out. Unfortunately the big problem was that he stuck with the Politician claim for some reason. I still don’t get that and I’m trying to see if I can find out why through posts or whispers.

Like here’s just a portion of the one big posts he made on reads that I think nicely goes over what he was thinking on Arctic. And he has further discussions in more posts. But he saw that he was getting nowhere and got really frustrated about losing the game for everyone. I don’t understand how people don’t just see that.

I think it was to avoid death.
Since voting Politician seems worthless.
And if App was politician, it’d get the scum that have pushed your slot, to maybe not want it dead as much.

It was a genius idea. I just feel horrible about the end result.

Yeah, that could be. He realized that trying to openly reveal as Saint probably wouldn’t help at that point and maybe would look even worse. As seems to be happening for me.

Actually the best play might have been to claim a power role and get evil to kill him during the night early in the game. But of course that’s just hindsight.

Or I guess not outright claim the power role, but surely hint at it