Blood on the Forums VI: Monsta Jam (Evil wins)


i am sad

Become unsad then smh

hi sad, I’m dad

/accept Wazza’s whisper

As the townsfolk muttered to themselves, debating who among them could be in collusion with the demonic threat to their existence, a loud noise issued from just north of the square. The townsfolk all turned to see Tangeld, slowly drifting into the group, her demeanor decidedly different from her usual psychotically cheery self.

“Too much of it… Gotta hide… Where do I hide…”

Amelia hurried to her. “Tan? Tan, what’s going on with you?”

Tan grabbed a water bottle out of Pigeon’s hands, poured some on her fingers, and flicked the water into Amelia’s face. “…Splash.” She made a strange noise that sounded a mix of a chuckle and sob.

“Is she… drunk?” No one seemed to know what had come over Tan.

“Uh… Give me a bit, I’m gonna figure this out.” Amelia shooed Tan into a nearby house as Tan threw her arms into the air and swayed back and forth.

Hrm… That was weird.

But ignoring that, it’s everyone’s favorite part of the day, nomination time! Please do be sure to ping us Storytellers with any nominations you have. This will end at 2021-02-21T14:30:00Z.

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I’m fine with the death of all 3 of these people.

They have tried to form a cult… twice.
I think their claim is obvious unless they’re just trying to look unthreatening to scum.

what if :flushed: :flushed: cult for no reason?

can dead players even do that

there isnt a point because even if the dead player was real cl the game wouldnt end

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I veto Cantaloupe’s execution

i hab hedpain

Big sadge

I’m actually ok with a Cloned execution though

Also @cantaloupe quick question.

Other than me, did you reveal your role to anyone else before the start of today?

If you’re not comfortable answering in public we can do it in a whisper

/whisper @Nightingale

can we talk now?

sure ig

i forgot how to create a whisper