Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town


this is how you handled the fact that other people were scumreading Light

[quote=“Arete, post:3180, topic:84170”]

How Appel handled the fact that other people were scumreading Light

Appel has several interactions that feel like she’s trying to talk people out of scumreading Light (tbf this might partially be confbias on my part)

like this one – I was pushing Light at the time, and I feel like she was trying to get me to come up with reasons to doubt the read

this is how you responded to pushes on me (this is everything relevant I could find, but maybe I missed something, please point it out if so)

overall, you were much more focused on shutting down pushes on Light, despite the fact that he was in the PoE, and separately much more concerned in general about the fact that he was being wagoned

the second question in particular is … I honestly have no idea why it exists, other than … to try to make Gorta doubt his push on Light, because I was voting Light? despite the fact that you townread me? like I feel like it can’t possibly be that obvious but

/vote Appelsini

this is the conclusion my analysis has led me to

if it’s wrong I’m sorry

@clonedcheese @an_gorta_pratai if either of you is Mafia can you just end things rather than slowrolling?


both Arete and Appel are in their scum metas


Arete enjoys being extremely aggressive
hence why they are quite easily caught by more experienced players when they are scum. they said themselves that it’s easy to tell:

Due to inherent high post volume + aggression, once things go wrong they go wrong fast.

If they are scum, this would be the game that everything’s clicking together for them.


Appel’s usually the “sit back and watch the show” kind - they watch the game from a third person view, analyze everything, and doesn’t take sides until necessary. I saw their scumplay firsthand in SFV and one other game, and they’ve shown similarities in other games I’ve played with them - their play doesn’t change by much and they are still analytical, but every attack, every question, and every defense is coordinated in advance.

The second part is problematic, in that her post on Light showing his goods and bads are the kind of defense/attack that she would do: in the scumchat, presumably, she said something along the lines of “Ima lightly push you and point out wrong things, let’s se where that goes”
haha get it, “lightly” push? get it? please? haha…

But because of the first part, I have a hard time seeing Appel as scum. They don’t become aggressive and pushy until necessary - MyLo would definitely fit that bill. But even in MyLo, they are still carefully considering between Arete and Gorta, coming to an Arete conclusion with a line of logic I can follow; this seems to me a townie generally lost between the two, reanalyzing, and coming to a conclusion. Sure they may be reserved and stand-back-y as scum, but I feel like they would’ve been a little more agressive during MyLo than they have been.

TL;DR: Appel is still analyzing and slowly coming to a conclusion even at MyLo, while Arete is acting aggessively, similar to calling for the Derps lynch. I find the second one to be more fitting of scum behavior, even after accounting for both parties’ usual behaviors.

more posts to read


math tells us that even if one of us is mafia this doesn’t really happen
what does this tell us about arete
no fucking clue
but I think he TMI’d something regarding their points/votepurchase/whatever

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appel Arete 1/3
[Not Voting] gorta, Appel, cheese

Day 6 ends at 2020-10-15T08:00:00Z

maybe “meta” isn’t the right word
but it’s how I’d expect you to act as scum
based on past scum games + your town games

this isn’t villagery

like … she’s been trying to keep her options open all day, and she only made anything resembling any semblance of a conclusion once it became clear that I was almost always voting her here

at which point she proceeded to ignore her previous reads and decide that I’m the most likely wolf more-or-less on the basis that I’m pushing her

The post you quoted was literally me questioning Cloned for saying you were scum
Derps, and later Cloned, were the only ones voting you aaa

I mean

I know I bought triplevoter

I know you didn’t, you don’t have enough points for it

I am assuming that if Gorta is the last wolf he would buy triplevoter (did not actually double-check if he has enough points for this)

if Gorta is scum he can end the game now unless something really weird happened last night

I don’t think you’re seeing this, but I did the exact same thing with you/Gorta/Cloned. I question how they feel about things, and if they see anything that doesn’t fit their world view. Obviously the main wagon is going to be on my mind more, but I also did it with you.

am i dumb
because i kinda follow her logic

at EoD everyone could by triplevote from revealed info
except mee


that is a thing you did once

in contrast with Light, where you repeatedly interrogated people voting him

Going by math, if Gorta is scum here, we still have a chance if both me and Cloned vote Gorta or you. And at this point, I think I’m comfortable going with you.

Screw it, I want you all to go sleep. It’s 1AM, nerds.

/vote Arete @Zone_Q11 @CRichard564

I’m aggressive as town when I think I’m right

right now I think I’m right

have a citation

You were literally being wagoned during the last 30 minutes or so, with Cloned revealing he has triplevoter.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Appel Arete 1/3
Arete Appel 1/3
[Not Voting] gorta, cheese

Day 6 ends at 2020-10-15T08:00:00Z