Derps Grand Idea - Day Four (10/18)

If digity isn’t going to out his red check, may I suggest that we up simon instead? Not only could he possibly be the nk, scum hiding as a neut or my target (a stand user), but he is also side tracking the trial. In exchange for voting up simon, id also be willing to full claim once we reach 6 votes for simon.

yes i can. i wouldnt just say that and not have an answer to give you.

im just not going to give italy an answer if they dont already have one

/vote simon

im not sidetracking anything. i mostly responded to people pointing to me. if i had a lead to give you would have it

/vote Simon

Simon is lying about being able to have anything on Italy.

Calling me names has nothing to do with this so I’d politely request you stop, although you’re free to explain how I’m being insensitive

I asked Italy a question directly and you’re trying to answer it for him when there’s a reason I asked him directly

you’re talking an awful lot for someone with no leads.

why would i say i had an answer to give you if i didnt.
what could i possibly gain from that

I’m not answering it directly, I’m poking holes in your logic of a VT.

well yeah! cause people are calling me scum, and not only that, but for bad reasons.
of course im going to respond

Sidetracking. Also, if you have an answer, give it.

And what reasoning do you have to do that when I haven’t even explained my logic yet?

but then italy’s answer might not be their own. if mist says go, ill give it, since they’re the one asking italy

i typed out my answer, then thought better and said ill wait until after italy responds. i did this once. after that ive only been responding to you (on this matter). i dont think thats me sidetracking.

to be fair, if you still haven’t explained your logic by now, it wouldn’t be unfair for wazza to assume that you have no logic.

No one even asked me to explain my logic

But I’m not going to because it would out my role and also because it turns out it doesn’t hold up anyway

could i? if thats your reason mine doesnt affect that

welp. heres what i had typed previously, cut/pasted:

he’s presumably asking for the number of italy’s class, or if italy is some variant of VT, such as a named one

Maybe because your recent posts told me that you had made a mistake and realised that? Guess not, my bad.

I’m curious. Enlighten us. /unvote

…What? That’s literally what I said but more bullshitty and incorrect.

I wasn’t told the number of my class, and besides, either way Italy would get 226 Vanilla Townie.