DGADT FM - Dead chat

time for dg to claim alch then apostle

Wazza has to live to the end, if wazza ever dies app dies in his place, cleaned.

Are they (is Wazza) a survivor, or do they have to kill everyone?

kill everyone

i’d consider it balanced, around 45/45/10

town has doesn’t have many numbers but has mechpower and still a decent chance at winning IMO even after 2 misyeets and a bomber :b:onking 2 towns

Oh, by the way Cloned

What did you do? :eyes:

Guess at noot color: orange

Who’d you target n1 and n2

Wazza & App seem like an interesting team btw. I think this is the first time I’ve seen like, a neutral team?

yeah NKsons aren’t common but allow for actual social deduction on who a neut is and are a cool idea

N1, no one. N2, swapped EVO & TBE. I realized later that I honestly should’ve swapped Italy with someone I scumread, but no can do.

TBE visited no one then


I just had no fucking clue how a 2-shot jailkeep had a n0


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I actually had to fight myself to not heart that one…

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also apparenlty grabbing quotes brings up the “is replying” icon :eyes:

as a host, this is terrible

I see posts that I adore and cannot like

i’m tempted to “oops finger slipped if I liked any post it was an accident please ignore” some posts but clearly I can’t do that.


you can click the link of posts and link posts and it has a similar effect, that’s what I do to prevent the typing or accidentally hitting reply

