FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Do you understand @orangeandblack5?

I’m starting to like Orange more for the case on astand, it doesn’t feel agenda and it costs wolf!Orange zero dollars to not post it. But my point about splitting votes stands.

…Fuck it, do we wanna CFD to Astand?

Do I not exist

i removed the mention of you with just “>:(” next to it!!!

you just missed the two players who argued for over 100 posts

that’s just completely based


I was here for that, yes

I left shortly after event results were released

wont stop me lol

(let me specify, 100 posts each)

Do you have some food if I vote? :smiley:

do I understand what

why do you only care about the read on yourself nya


i’d rather cfd you bae


because I’m curious

why do you care about not including me
am I just in outer space
am I in the poe
outer poe
not in poe

Orange, you don’t need to respond to the question, everyone knows your answer.

I mean Tan has had some questionable stuff but frankly astand is the most confident threadstate read I’ve had in a while and it would be dumb to ignore that

/vote mist

Most probable reason for fk dying imo

sorry but the first thing I read when I see a post about a persons readlist is their read on me.