FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Gonna go await botc character reveal

Bye nerds

This is me just reading all posts and super micro reading whatever sticks out, because I don’t know how else to do well in this clusterfuck.

This shows Max quite relaxed and specifically for them, I’d slightly townlean it? Tbh, as I’m typing this, it’s been ages I’ve played with Maxi, it’s been ages period, but still it gave me good vibes.

Eeehhh… there is way too many half ass statements in this post, scumlean.

I like that Mist pointed out the thing I wanted to point out.

… how do you recognize it’s a copypasta? :thinking:

I feel this, but also NAI.

At this point I’ve skimmed over like 30 copy pasta’s already, like plsss stop

Tbh I feel this too at this point in thread. Emilia gives me these really super dry questions that I’ve only seen them do as town.

Hmm… hadn’t seen Blizer post in a while, but then they pop up with something like this again. Makes me think lurky, makes me think scummy. Should double back on this.

A firekitten that doesn’t hyperpost in this mash :heart:

If only we didn’t have a gajillion haha funny fake takes. :upside_down_face:

Kind of showy and also not really useful in a mash at that point in time???

I have no idea of the point of whatever is said here, but I like the conviction.

I should probably take Vul up on actually reading the ISO, but how they phrased the argument makes them seem a bit performative.

Plus points for Sulit for making a similar observation.

I guess I also agreed with this, I haven’t found Ici’s posts super noteworthy to add here thus far, but I’ve generally not disagreed when they posted, so plus points for that.

This is not a copypasta and a lot of words, which don’t even end with any conclusion on what it says about Emilia’s alignment or anyone’s for that matter. Meeeeehhhhh

Ohhh spicy. Yea, I’d agree with this argument in isolation reading full ISO’s to doublecheck is going to be such a painnnnn

The whole thread turning against Vulgard then is kind of making me pause, but also it’s fucking 47 fucking forty-seven players…

Mafia italy would more likely prefer not to be not noticed, but sitll post? I remember Italy more as someone that just slanks as scum, so this is a good sign.

This is kind of dramatic tbh. @Vulgard have you played bigger mashes before as town/scum?

Italy actually doing something = town

Sulit!!! :smiley:

Omg I caught up.

general hankerchief aint here

that’s the joke

Ten bucks it’s Lleech btw

i think this is the first time solic has ever not disagreed with me in his first post
what the fuck

Lol mq walls

i’m guessing its going to be Noble because i just want people to watch the world burn as they reveal one of the simplest characters in the expansions

you’re probably a wolf then

source:my ass

I want it to be damsel

cause it’s a game design is my passion character

Tinfoil read

Solic Town.

If Solic scum, their scummates would’ve told Solic to not read the entire thread and make a wallpost


I agree, I do admit that Vul’s disagreement over Katze’s lean town on me because of his reasoning isn’t unheard of.

With this many people, I can contribute one way or another.


it’s a mash why would they care

I mean.

Who the hell reads the entire thread and makes a wallpost as scum without having one of their scummates go “bruh just skim.”:

Because I feel like it draws attention compared to most of the thread which has been more casual.
And it’s not really a good idea to draw too much attention to yourself?

Is what Intensify might’ve been thinking?

what do you mean

Also for reference my Solic read is very low level and has 0 thought put into it

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ok but it’s a mash

everyone’s gonna forget about it anyways

here lemme post a link to scumchat

No good; I tried to read the intro post but I’m too sleepy nothing is making sense. I’ll try again when I wake up. Good night!

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