FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

silviu why did you like that post

Trs off the top of my head

ppl i should have a read on and dont
trusty lib

scum leans
…dont really remember anyone else but prob scum in the forgettable people but also its prob just that i dont know them lol

theyre always weird and wolfy but its likle

this feels worse than even nfol?

My, if I didn’t sound like this then nice to meet you, I’m Silviu and I’ve heard you’re Arctic… do you love sunsets? I love the sky being magenta.

Can other people read nutella/point me to their read on nutella? My read here’s pretty weak so I’d like other people’s opinions.

I’ve played exactly three games with Kyo, and he was 3p in two and scum with me in the other. I never caught him as 3p in the first one and he was almost consensus town except that the scumteam got bled by him so yeah. Idk how he plays as town.

Yeah, they looked really wolfy in that back and forth with Marshal. I’ll have to check up on them in later posts then.

answer this question

Ah sorry, I usually like posts randomly

Also I’ve read like two of Kyos posts and I have no idea what his alignment is.

Lukundo’s shot suggestions are actually terrible.

what do you mean randomly

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mmyeah i gotta figure out who im cfding

Hello Windy, nice to see you too.

was silvu the person named magenta who I think was obvious scum and then flipped scum in a mash

Honestly quick iso skim

kinda feels like TL to me but worse in terms of how they are interacting around the thread

in the shot pile it goes for me

Good thing you have realized that mashes are all about not reading every post.


don’t know but i think their tone is good and they don’t have anything that looks uncomfortable

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