[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

It’s… a lot of letters.

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Newbwolf (x)
Newb (o)

You have a thunderdome of a unique role
So you vote the slightly more scummy one
“opportunistic” much

it’s me saying “I don’t like anyone who claims VT”

was my only read on this slot
would you classify this slot as either Town or scum?

I meant the one regarding Seth. Why did you vote him then?

Why do you think gorta flips scum because of this?

Why is him giving an example rolelist with him hinting to be the NB softing the NE? Couldn’t he be Coven as well?

valid point
but I’d think people would “soft” roles that are pretty near their actual role, for obvious reasons
NE is closer to NB than Coven by a considerable margin

Based on claiming VT alone
I think it’s scum trying to get an early clear
and this was before everything else happend iirc
they had no reason to

Vt claim + pushing mayor to claim

Let me just preface this with I hate that all y’all are hard-claiming so early.

Second Wallpost
  • Wazza - I can definitely believe the town vigi claim, due to their insistence that I&OI we have no scumreads by EoD, we vote them so they can’t be used to kill other town. - Townlean
  • N.1 - Haven’t seen much of them whatsoever, stand by the idea that they have been wasting time talking about doing meta and seventeen hours later, still haven’t produced results. I would not be surprised to see them flip scum if they turn up claiming they were unable to do it. - Scumlean
  • Alice - I can most definitely see Alice claiming vet as an incentive not to get destroyed by Coven for the first few nights, and based on other people talking about their skill level, I entirely believe this to be within their means. I doubt a wolf would do this either, as the risk of doing it with a vet as wolf far outweighs the benefits. Their insistence on NOT lynching Marshall also makes sense, because they are aware that they are not vet, but there would be no way for a wolf to know that, which would get them killed at a 1:1 rate with town, which is +EV for Coven. - Townlean
  • ModeShifter - Making poor reads and poor plays, so, since it’s Seth, obvious - Townlean
  • Italy - I absolutely hate their hardclaim, especially with a TPwr already. This doesn’t even get into the fact that they did not participate in the slighest for a very long amount of time. They also actively encouraged the thunderdome, and have not provided any reads of their own. Also, just to make them mad, they are scum for the amount of times they have rolled scum. - Scumlean
  • oB_Light - This piece of garbage formafia player didn’t say anything for 17 hours - Lockscum
  • Twil1ight - Although they started the day off with plenty of conclusions, they reapproached with much more rationality and logic than the rest of y’all did. Provided some basic townreads, but did not go all the way through the list, nor did they provide explanations. A good start, and will be fine with reevaluating after they get some sleep and come back. - Null for now, waiting for re-eval.
  • an_gorta_pratai - I stick by my earlier reads, as they haven’t posted in the entire time that I’ve been gone.
  • Marshal - I can’t really blame them for not picking up on Alice’s queues (mostly since I didn’t see them either), and like I said earlier with Alice, cc’ing vet as wolf is far too risky. There is a chance for an executioner play, however I’m planning on playing disregarding that unless it is blatantly obvious, because that would lead to me doubting all of my reads. - Townlean
  • CRichard564 - Claims mayor, waiting on mech-confirm, do not blame them for not mech-revealing yet, wish that they hadn’t claimed at all. Also their anger at Marshal is entirely misplaced.
  • katze - I honestly have no idea what to think of katze. Their level of memeing is so high that I honestly have no idea what to think of them. I am also pretty sure that they pride themselves on being hard to read and they’re sure living up to that. I will leave reads on katze to people who have more experience with them. - Null.
  • clonedcheese - Was inactive for a while, but came back with a readlist that actually implemented f’ing logic and thought, although it was more basic. I would love to see some more reasoning behind some of their reads, specifically Italy and PKR. I believe that PKR’s claim was purely an example, and haven’t seen anything heavily suggesting otherwise. - Slight townlean.
  • TheBlueElixir - I am liking this slot a bit, although they have made some poor plays, and still have no real defined reads of their own on most of the game, mostly focusing on a few select people. They don’t really play like their experience seems to suggest, although that might be unfamiliarity with ToS. For now, - Null.
  • EVO - Anime pfp so scumlock being serious though, EVO is probably one of my strongest townleans, mostly due to their willingness to look at things from a theoretical standpoint and re-eval, not to mention their readlist whose main problem was the reads on Universal and Magnus lacked any depth whatsoever, considering Magnus’ claim is assumed to be a meme. - Townlean, dying to hear deeper analysis on those two especially.
  • SogMan - I’m not really liking much from this slot. They passively helped along the thunderdome, and haven’t contributed much to the discussion… at all. - Scumlean
  • Fossil - Haven’t contributed whatsoever all game, although I understand real life takes priority, even taking half an hour or so would be helpful. - Null for now, waiting for re-eval.
  • PokemonKidRyan - While they did mess up a bit at the beginning, they have bounced back and done their best to stir up some conversation. But then they got drunk and haven’t really been seen since other than a half dozen or so posts with no content. - Null, waiting for re-eval.
  • Universal - They came in a bit really late, but provided a bit a memeiness, some few basic reads, however, they haven’t really committed to catching up on the reading. I can’t say I blame them, but will wait for their ISO’s before I make any further opinions. - Null, waiting for re-eval.
  • Magnus - I still don’t really like their beginning, and they haven’t really helped their case since then. I can understand taking a day off, but it doesn’t mean that I like it. They haven’t participated in any meaningful discussion yet, nor made any real reads. They are just sitting at the fringes, poking at stuff, which I don’t like. - Slight scumlean, would like some more activity from them.
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Now, after an hour and a half of just staring at this thread, I am going to sleep, cause screw this. Those are my reads, I’ll be back in between 8-14 hours depending on how long I sleep and how much I care.


Vote SogMan with me! :upside_down_face:

Did you not see the reason I have you as a townlean?

So you don’t scum lean SogMan then?

Sorry, been a busy two days. It’s night time again, so I’m heading to bed. I was hoping to get some more progress done today, but… I’m still utterly behind by over 2k posts. I’m going to have class tomorrow, but I’ll be free for the 12 hours before EoD where I’ll read through the posts and provided my analysis on what’s going on. Again, apologies for my inactivity.

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I’ll be around for another five or ten minutes though for some questions before I log off, though.

lights slot is giving me PTSD

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Are you NB?

NB? Extra characters to make a sentence.

Neutral Benign

Oh, then no.

seriously light is reminding me of a past game a LOT


help im confirmation biasing myself

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comments on light's post


I mean Italy’s pretty much confirmed at this point, no?

For PKR I think that although it was an “example,” it contained a small sliver of truth that he kinda wanted to soft.

id like to repeat that this slot did the exact same thing as the Jailkeep
This slot believes that:

  • D1 is practically useless
  • taking time compiling massive lists of people’s past games is useful
  • real life > mafia games

i mean
transporter is extremely easy to confirm
so why would scum lie about being the trans


your earlier reads being?


light if you’re reading this
go sleep

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So Fossil now that you’re here. What are your opinions on everyone so far D1?

I have barely read through any posts. Still well over 2k behind. I’m going to go through them tomorrow and provide an analysis then.