The Crusader
Neutral Support
Indomitable Will (Passive) - You are death immune once before receiving a win condition.
Requiem Aeterna (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:
- Your win condition will become the same win condition as the one of the first executed player barring non-nk neutrals.
- If the first executed player was a member of the Blue Dragon, you will count as a member of the Blue Dragon for the purposes of all abilities. You will be able to be converted as if you were a Physician, whereupon you will become Unseen or Cult for the purposes of all abilities.
- If the first executed player was a member of the Unseen or Cult, you will join their chat. You will appear as Unseen or Cult to investigative abilities.
- If the first executed player was a Neutral Killer, you will gain permanent death immunity and will be immune to bleeding.
- You will be informed of your new win condition accurately even if the first execution was tampered with.
Providence (Night) - Heals a player, preventing them from dying, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. If you have the Unseen or Cult win condition then this will also make your target return Blue Dragon for faction checks. - Infinite uses
Dies Irae (Night) - Kills a player bypassing death immunity. Only usable if you have the Neutral Killer win condition. - Infinite Uses
Gain a win condition and fulfill it.
If they do not have a wincon, then they crown into The Errant King.
If their wincon is for the Blue Dragon to win, then they crown into The Good King.
If their wincon is for the Unseen to win, then they crown into The Evil King.
If their wincon is for the Cult to win, then they crown into The Devout King.
If their wincon is to eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, and the Cult, then they crown into The Psychopathic King.