[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Going through CRich`s iso

This is just blatantly False Ami

honestly, im not liking your behaviour rn

i dont like me either dw :slight_smile:

Shading CRich? There was no shade in my observations. He piggybacked off of the “Possessed lowposts as scum” observation that Arete made and acting like he knew my meta, when in reality my D1 meta gives zero tell to my alignment 99% of the time. It was a fabricated scum read by him, not shade.

And FoL21 is ancient, one of my first scum games. I’ve evolved so much from that point that your justification is just…silly.

not shade from me*

you have just @'d everybody

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Possessed, I have a redcheck on you.

“Only 4 or 5 posts”

Is that not enough? How also you legitimately townread someone who has a sole basis of "Well people say so and sos meta is (This), so I scum read them for (This). That’s SUCH a common scum pocketing tactic.

Yes, i know Arete made brought it up first

But CRich is not piggybacking off anything
She is posting what she sees and is interepeting on how she sees it. Her tone doesnt shift what so ever, her behaviour is natural and constant, and her thought process is solid, and i do not see an agenda being heavily pushed here (Outside of her tinfoil of Marsh being Neut because of his wacky ass behaviour d1).

Thats just ignorant. When it comes to playing wolf, there is always something pick up from everyplayer

Sure people get better and can improve (never forget FK in RM2), but there is always something that is there.

For you, i see that you are still your shading people if they even have a little reason to not like your slot, and trying to discredit you.

bad rt is bad

Frick you, King is already boring enough and now you’re ruining my RTs.

rts based on people being ignorant are bad
rts based on a fake redcheck are bad

combine those two
you just have a horrid rt that gets you nothing

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Holy shit

I know for a fact you cherry picked that

If you read through her ISO (Which i just went through btw)

you can clearly fucking see shes making her own fucking reads and is trying to solve this game.

Your trying to discredit her hard here, and i very much want to see you dead good sir.

The justification for the read is “Low post count scum meta” which was EVEN PROVEN FALSE by Katze. I never exceeded 30 posts except once, of all different alignments, on D1.

Its. A. Falsified. Scumread.

No. You can still fail an RT you know is an RT. There was no reason to do that.

excuse me for shutting down a shit rt that will gain nothing :roll_eyes:

You literally made it impossible to gain anything with it.

I can’t understand how the basis of your townread on CRich is ignoring the entirety of the content.

/Vote Blizer

I Dont care about your low post count scum read

I care about how you are behaving and what you are doing

so far, all you have done is fluff and and trying to discredit and shade CRich

you have done nothing to help town out, you havent read anybody

Your not even trying.

Yeah, kind of sure Merc’s just faking Crusader and went into antispew.

If she really believe that the she’d be trying to mislynch a villager without being this blatant.


imagine getting pissy at someone shutting down a horrible rt that had 99% odds of getting nothing anyways