[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

He could, or hes just trying to stay neutral and out of the way so people dont notice him that much.

Staying neutral and out of the way would be sheeping the consensus.

@theblueellixir Considering how we interacted with eachother, what do you think it says about us instead of just analyzing individually?

Yes, which is what he could be attempting to do.

There are quite a few ways for wolves to play, and you need to consider the possibilites and thought process of his actions and words.

him reading everyone as town from that discussion is either him trying to get on peoples good side and fit in, or its his natural thought process.

His read list does not really expand on discussion, and was filled with quite a bit of nulls. He could be trying to fit in by posting that, as it looks like hes trying to push discussion.

ā€¦why are ā€œIā€™m reading this player as either a villager or a wolfā€ reads so common on this site?

Which one do you think it is?

Im currently ISO`ing him rn, Ill post it when im done.

least I gave something :upside_down_face:

I didnā€™t expect to be barraged by half the game for not putting an hour into readslist ISOs made an hour into the game because Im not progressing the game state while chat is abnormally slow so early


I donā€™t have a strong grasp on a lot of peopleā€™s reads. Thatā€™s why their nulls, thatā€™s what nulls are. If you want them removed, just donā€™t look at them.

So no, I cant really flesh out the marshal read. The GTH is literally just what id do. I donā€™t know why and I cant really explain it and its not something strong, but GTH I think marshal scoom. I figured id put that there because I didnā€™t want everything completely null. But toot your own horn for being a master of FM for acknowledging the word null is written more then once.

im a bit irritated if you couldnā€™t tell

dang it thatā€™s me tying the game to my own slot again

nobody said I was positive on my reads. Thatā€™s why there are so many nulls. Because im not sure.

a lot of this ā€˜everything NAIā€™ felt familiar and he felt natural when answering questions. The whole ā€˜what game is itā€™ could be a counter point but I donā€™t think that really warrants much seeing as GK can put effort in trying to seem GK aswell. Now I wouldnā€™t think id have to write ā€˜want moreā€™ or something at the end seeing as I said ā€˜Slight TLā€™ but apparently I do.

another person you jumped on for generating discussion. The vote was a read I donā€™t agree with but the idea of trying to do something and seeing where it leads is a towny mindset. ā€˜want to see moreā€™

in both SFOL 61s he did these ISOs that werenā€™t that strong and that was supposedly ā€˜solveyā€™. They werenā€™t very solvey and didnā€™t come to many conclusions. Here, he just comes off as trying to progress and solve. ā€˜want to see moreā€™



Yeah, analyzing better and taking myself out of gut it is suspicious how he did not say anything about how we interacted with eachother and just waved reasons for we three being town. It may be not pushing lynching agenda, but it is not natural as almost everyone else was swayed.


Guts telling me that TBE is town right now.

I donā€™t like this post feels like buddying

I think it says that weā€™reā€¦oppressed communists

I donā€™t think it says anything

are you actually neut

I donā€™t think I am?

iā€™d give a 30% chance kat is exactly in chancellor/crusader/inq

kat isnā€™t being genuine here

could be doing a reactiontest actually

but if not

neut neut neut

Opener here feels a little forced, puts attention on him a bit, but it isnt really super pingy imo. Null from it

Ehh, nothing really from it. Either alignment can easily post this tbh. Null

There was like only 15-20 posts, and Jane really wasnt showing anything scum or town imo. Feels out of left field tbh, and i do not exactly like it. Null leaning scum.

His explanation for his read on jane. I dislike his first sentence, as its like ā€œLook at me im trying to be seriousā€. His explanation isnt bad but, ehh. Leaning a bit more scum

In response to Kat. He started up this discussion on Prince earlier. Dont like how he pointed this out, its shit that should be ignored.

Again, another post that says ā€œIm trying to be seriousā€. His response to Marshalls question is egh. dislike it from a tone perspective

He keeps on stating that hes trying to play differently, but again, feels forced imo.

Again this response to Marshall doesnt sit right for me. Hes trying to make himself look towny and productive.

Dislike this post, it pings me.

Obvious Conclusion is obvious, honestly does not need to be said, that was not staged, nor did it feel forced from either side.

Him defending merc, and trying to stop Jane`s reaction test. I dislike this, as hes stopping discussion and it contradicts his earlier posts on trying to push for it.

Read list. Really is barebones, barley pushes discussion forwards.

Again, dislike the response here.

TBE is pinging me as scum trying to fit in and looks like hes pushing discussion forward. But, his response to Jane`s attempted reaction test on Merc contradicts what his earlier posts on stating him trying to push discussion more. Hes trying to look like hes town pushing discussion, but it feels hes making it slow, or has brought up discussions that should not be discussed.

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Instead of asking me to elaborate on my read, you make a neutread on me and proceed to give me an out in the same post?

You good, Marshal?

All I have to say is ā€œlolRTā€ and suddenly my allegedly disingenuousness read is all okay?

Isnā€™t this the exact kind of shit that has let me slip away from scumreads in past games? Why are you doing it again?


what are you doing

if itā€™s an RT i know you softed it so iā€™m not just gifting you an out

but your vibe is like a cat with fucking rabies

dude katā€™s vibe is so fucking wack rn

I canā€™t even


I donā€™t think this can actually be town

dude I do not think that kat is making these posts


I actually cannot fathom that kat themselves are posting these things


Is this when I say ā€œlol, reaction test over!! lol!!ā€ and point out a random quote that lightly implicates that the read was fake?