For if you are gone for long periods of time

It’s mainly regarding this site so I might do stuff on other sites

A lack of actual fulfillment would fit the bill?

doing the full 4 years is for the straights

Whatever works best for your situation my dude

My mental health is not the best, and I had a breakdown in every of my games, since a long time. I’m not able to find enjoyment in forum games anymore. I did hurt people I love, and I got hurt by people I love. Personal attacks are just a part of this game, I guess. But this is not what I want to be. I have no fun in this, and this is not how I want to spend huge parts of my time.
I’m going back to ToL.
Thank you for the shared time, and thank you for your trust.

:wave: :heart:


Forum Mafia is a fishing rod, once you take its bait it will never let go. You will come back, they always do.

Even after they die?

Forum Mafia players go to purgatory where they are stuck playing against each other for the rest of time.

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what about reincarnation?

specifically they play deathless fm, a whole new kind of torture


reincarnation only exists for the greatest forum mafia players.

you play in a forum mafia championship like on MU, everyone who doesn’t make it to finals is sent to a place where they must play bastard forum mafia games. Anyone who makes it to the finals is spared, and the person who is crowned champion goes to be reincarnated



clears throat

Hi. Recently, I’ve been playing a lot of online games, mafia etc, and I’ve just been getting kinda of… sick of it. It has nothing to do with you guys, in fact, if I kept on playing it’d solely because I get to talk and interact with all y’all, but recently I’ve just been feeling extremely burnt out and just not really feeling how I used to feel about playing this game, if that makes sense. I used to have so much fun and love playing, but recently I just haven’t been feeling it at all. I think I just need a break, of sorts. Playing has become more of chore to me than something I use to relieve stress, have fun, be passionate about. Would like to state again this has nothing to do with the community.
I’ve also been struggling with some IRL things, mostly just busy-ness, more than I’m used to.

So I’ll be around, mostly lurking about on the cookie thread, but I won’t be inning into games.



Breaks are healthy. :heart: I’m going to miss knowing who the giraffes are for now.


Unfortunately mafia is way too much of a time and effort sink for me. It’s making me lose focus on other projects / tasks, I lose sleep because of it and get worse at other hobbies because of it.

Outing from everything I can. Might still spectate games if I feel like it.

Not a single person here has influenced my decision. It’s FM in general.


ily no homo


Just put in less time like me

Ikr. I’m moving away from the forums and in general FM from December onwards as well. I wanna go back to Roleplaying and writing, as well as working on my studies and exercise.

I think I’ve about learnt how ppl can view each other in quite a variety of ways and the different ways to solve problems.


Also… currently I think I’m sick
Wont be posting for the next few hours (hopefully not day)

I’d advise to just play one game at a time. That works all right for me.

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