[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

by … not having Cabbage undermine the entire save attempt? Cabbage was nearly voted out yesterday because they refused to self-pres on Aelin

also it seems I’m on a tirade, but tomorrow morning I’ll expand my scopees

cabbage pushes Aelin they die the next day

I feel like whatever Cabbage had done at EoD you would be calling it wolfy

Cabbage defends Aelin → ‘oh, they must have had TMI’

Cabbage pushes Aelin → ‘wow, what a wolf-motivated push to save Cabbage’


what do you think village!Cabbage would do

I honestly don’t know, but based on everything cabbage has said and done I think they are a wolf

Next I’d like to address my take on Emilia, since that is the reason Wendy is pushing me.

First, near the start of the game when I initially started scumreading them, I had read them for something minor - voting me at the start of the game. It appeared to me as if Emilia wanted to execute a townie, and went to the first example she could attack. Although I knew at the time (and still know now) that the lead was small and possibly wrong, it was the only lead I had. I reasoned that the behavior was more likely scum than town.

But if you read my posts from that time on, I do not spend as much time accusing Emilia; instead, I talk to other individuals (namely Marshal, because they were prominently in the thread at the time) about their townread on Emilia. Because I had a suspicion on them, I did not want people to townread Emilia so easily; my posts are focused on asking people the reasonings behind their townreads and critiquing those reasonings, hopefully getting my audience to think more critically about Emilia’s alignment instead of relying on a very simple meta.

As for why I disliked people townreading Emilia more than townreading Eli, a player that I have said is in a similar place to Emilia, is that I have not found anything questionable from Eli. So although I disliked the fact that people (especially Marshal) are willing to townread Eli so easily, I had nothing against them so I let the townread slide. However, I had found objectionable content from Emilia at the time and have found more as time progressed, so I wanted to question people enough so that they wouldn’t take the lazy route of assuming that Emilia was town from “meta” and not actually reading into her posts.

As a side note to a side note, Ketsuban was included in my list of questions to the meta-readers since as an alt, I was unsure what kind of evidence they had to support any notion of meta-reading that slot. (This was before Ketsuban’s identity was revealed, I believe.)

After my reads have developed this far I left the thread for some time, and returned to find that three people had voted Aelin in quick succession (posts 850, 852, and 857). This in some way confirmed my scumread on Emilia, because up until this point Emilia had claimed that I was scum. Because I knew I was town, I assumed that this was Emilia not caring about which wagon to be on and just choosing whichever one had people she was comfortable with; this is seen by her complete lack of reasoning and simply agreeing to the new trend set by two pretty loud players. Although Wendy claims that Emilia moving her vote is indicative of us both being scum, I would rather suggest to see that both wagons (Aelin and myself) were both town, since if I had been scum with Emilia they would presumably find a better excuse to move. Them not giving any reason whatsoever is indicative of apathy, which is not an emotion one feels when their voting motivation is to defend one’s teammate.

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I literally explained it yesterday

Next I’d like to refute the points made by the other two accusers (Luxy and an_gorta_pratai), which will surprisingly be short!

As for Gorta, their accusation that “Wagons don’t come from nowhere” is again a very lazy way to continue pushing me; without actually looking into my posts or what I have done, they simply state that I must be scum since I was the counterwagon to a town wagon. They claim that I was their biggest scumread as of yesterday, but all they had found suspicious of me was the one post at the beginning and the existence of my wagon versus Aelin’s, again pointing to the parroting that I believe indicates Gorta’s scumminess.

I also see that they have a new accusation against me, that I have TMI because I had no reasoning beforehand to townread Aelin; however, I have explained this in great detail at EoD yesterday, once again pointing to the fact that Gorta is attacking me for the sake of attacking, with no regard for my actual content. I have explained that I reasoned no scum would be the subject of a flash wagon with such lethality, and consequently that at least one of those that piled onto Aelin’s wagon was scum.

As for Luxy, I do like it that they point out that the only way for me to live today is to convince everyone that yesterday was T/T; I, as town, am trying my best to prove it. However, this is not a valid reason to scumread me, since it is the only way for me to live as either alignment. I have continued my scumread of Emilia since yesterday, and I hope that people have read through what the reasonings are; I hope people see that I am correct, and trust me enough to prove myself once Emilia the wolf is executed.

I thought the sarcasm was pretty obvious and that they were joking in response

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Would you mind posting it again, seeing that I have clearly missed it?

All I saw from you was “I am fine with this” and “I am not feeling it and Aelin looked pretty bad.”

And no, I do not want you to explain with new words, please find the exact post you are claiming you have made.

…I will say that the sarcasm was in no way obvious.

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Do you think I unironically said wolfreading is bad after making a wolfread?

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one post at the beginning? your whole ISO is robotic and scummy, like a wolf trying to fit in with town

No it meants that neither of them are w/w

Would you care to explain which exact posts you found scummy, instead of simply stating that I am so? All I have to go off of is your critique of my one post, which makes me think you are only reading me based off of that one post or simply plagiarizing your argument from other people.

As a side note, I do apologize for sounding robotic, since I am not a frequent user of this writing style.

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everything I said about cabbage scum on d1

@Emilia You are here, present in thread; I would like it if you answered my question.

You claim that you explained “it” yesterday, which I assume means your reasoning for voting Aelin. However, I have found nothing of the sort reading through your posts; could you please show me where you have explicitly stated your reasonings for voting Aelin, other than the two phrases I have mentioned?

then you have the whole clearing Aelin with little buildup thing, which wouldn’t look so bad if your posting didn’t look so forced and fake

Right, and this proves my point even more.

You claim that “my whole ISO” is weird and robotic, and yet you only show one example that has already been frequently expressed by a lot of other people.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me what other posts made you think I was scummy, or else I have to assume you were making surface-level reads off of one post, or, as previously mentioned/accused, plagiarizing your reads from thread consensus.

This is something new!

Could you expand a little more on the “whole clearing Aelin with little buildup thing”?

Specific quotes would be nice.