Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(1st, his name is Marcus, and 2nd, I don’t know, his pocket I guess)


(No shit sherlock, yes who else could it be)

opens the door and sees the girl and closes it in her face not a zombie everyone but something even worse

A little girl is worse than a zombie? Dude, let her the fuck in!

Let me in, please

do you know how she acted last time we met just ask Cal

G, let her in

sigh fine you 2 opens the door

Who the fuck is Cal?

Jacques looks around, looking for Cal. Is he anywhere nearby?

Wait… I think I remember that voice
Its been a while though…

1st gen ability is now active Do you value your life?

(Cal is with us)

He forgets about Cal.

Come in already!

(I already opened the door)

(Ah I thought you told us to open it)

(my bolds are actions so I sighed then opened the door)

( Please use these for descriptive stuff in the future. )

(no I won’t be doing that)

( or -this- )