Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Drynold runs inside

“Uhh, why hello.”

(Albert hasn’t come inside yet)

Jacques allows the illusion to disappear, and unblends with a slightly nuisanced expression.

How’s the situation outside?

Drynold nods at Thomas and Jacques.

“So. Quite a lot of undead outside huh.”

Lil gets back, the traps are set. She knocks on the door

Sure sounds like it.

Jacques hears a knock, and opens the door.

You’re back already? Get in.

Mabel nods and stays still. Watching the unfolding events.

Come with me, I have an idea too get rid of them for good.

Julia, unable to see if anyone is in the car, approaches further

( @Daericul )

(woops, thought i typed this, must have forgotten to post it. basically, Marcus goes to a spirit close to the majority of the zombs’ graves, and asks it the questions: ‘Did you see some people in front of the graves sometime before now? more specifically, did anybody look like they were casting some kind of spell? especially right before some people got out of their graves, but anytime is helpful.’ @Damafaud) (and just to speed things up:)
Marcus relays everything the spirit says on the paper sitting next to ‘him’, in big, blocky, and some-what illegiible letters

While Raul is looking at Julia, his card shivers. He checks it out and smiles.

(Oops, responded to Noz by accident)


Jacques, still as wary as he was before, blends as he conjures an illusion where he stands.

Let’s go then.

The illusion will follow Lilithia, as Jacques watches.

(You didn’t RP it so it didn’t happen yet.)

@FadeBlade @JammySplodge @Monkke @Daericul @Ami @AgentBoin
Marcus, Fade, Mary, Dreynold, Jacquez, Lilithia, Thomas, Albert, and Cal are all in one room. The undead now completely surround the house like a horde. It’s impossible to slip through.

Albert: This should be enough. I think the presence of our lifeforce here is enough to attract most undead here. If we can eliminate them, we can end this mess. But to make sure… which one of you is the gravekeeper?

Cal: This guy here.

He points at Fade

Albert: I need to talk to you later. For now, we should construct a battle plan and-

Cal: Hold on, buster. Who puts you in charge of this team? You a celebrity or something?

Albert: Name’s Albert. I am, or was, an Olympus Agent. Now unless you have seen record of experiments against undead, you better shut up.

Cal doesn’t like this man. At all. But he decides to lay low for now.

Cal: Fine, fine. Guide me, mighty agent.

@PolikShadowbliss @Monkke @JammySplodge
Mabel, Raul, and Julia are just outside the cemetery. Some teenagers are walking in, eager to bash undead after watching way too many movies

Julia stops walking up to the car in order to watch the teenagers

Mary notices Cal and is suspicious of him

Jacques disables his illusions and unblends, facing Albert.

Was? Not long ago you were in the group. What happened?

Lil notices that he is gone Interesting…very interesting… She goes back to the house

One of the teens climb over the fence while the others are edging him. Soon, a lone zombie walks to him, but he bashes its head with his bat. The group cheers.

Albert: It’s a matter for later. I assume everyone here is a cardholder, or have any knowledge about the godcard?

What the hell?

she shrugs

Hey, not my problem

two sharp knocks come on the door