Godcard [Roleplay Thread]


Raul gets out of the car and walks up to Julia

“What are you doing here?”

He laughes uncertainly. Damn why did he run into a cardholder of all people

Albert: Apart from cards, some may need a sort of weapon. Well, I do since I don’t really have a card.

Cal: You can have my shovel!
He jumps to the chance to avoid further awkwardness

Cal: So what do you need to check? A treasure? A divine relic?

Albert: Something dangerous, or potentially so.

(gets pinged for no reason REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE )

Drynold walks up to Albert and gives him his gun

“Take this instead.”

(Study the implication. Cal is now next to Albert.)

He seems hesitant

Albert: I never shoot a gun before…

J: I was looking for you guys, you left in a hurry and I wanted to see what was up

“Safety off, aim at the head and pull the trigger. Be careful though!”

(Dama, do you grant permission for me to kill Albert later?)

He gingerly picks the gun up, as if it can explode at anytime

Albert: All right, then. I guess you can have the shovel back.

He passes the shovel to Cal

(Better tag the guys you’re talking with)

Raul nods and says

“Investigating what’s going on here. Saw a lot of cardholders so this could get interesting.”

do we even know what has caused the undead to rise?

(Phone sometimes bugs)

Interesting, you some sort of detective team?

While seeing Albert give the shovel to Cal, Drynold walks up to Cal and says:

“I see that we haven’t met. I am Drynold Storm.”

Raul chuckles

“We’re interested in the cards you see. The more you have, the stronger you are.”

How strong, exactly?

(Sure. Albert is a healthy young man so mind the physical difference as well)

@FadeBlade @Simon
Albert: I’m not sure. This could be a natural influx, a necromancer at work, or…

He shakes his head, as if trying to dismiss a possibility.

Albert: Regardless, we should be able to see it later

(Time to shine Marcus. Answer the question)

Cal: Name’s Cal Sophia. Call me Cal.

(did Marcus ask about who rose them?)

(He has clues now.)

(Does Marcus see Lil going behind Albert?)