Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Mabel is smiling as she observes the fight.
“An actual zombie fight. Never thought I would be see THIS!”

Drynold decides to leave the area, starting to walk home.

Raul sees Drynold and tells Mabel and Julia
@JammySplodge @PolikShadowbliss

“There’s our target…”

(Bit late there buddy)
Lil’s bloody hoodie is on two certain graves

“Him? Got it.”

(does Mabel check Julia’s sins)

Seems easy enough

Jacques watches as Drynold leaves the graveyard, and with blend, he remains in the shadows as he follows Drynold.

Raul starts his SUV and starts following Drynold subtly. Drynold is exhausted from battle, so he doesn’t really notice Raul or Jacques

@JammySplodge @PolikShadowbliss

Raul: “Alright, here’s the plan. One of my goons will stay here, and give me a report on the fight and whatnot. You, Julia and Me with the goons will follow Drynold. We bust his ass. We take the card and we get the hell out of here.”

Mabel nods.
“And if the plan goes wrong?”
“We need an escape plan.”

Jacques continues to stalk Drynold, sticking to the shadows. He notices the SUV, and remains a relatively decent distance away.

Étaín wakes up, jet lagged and walks around town

Raul looks at Mabel

“This SUV is apparently like a tank. Gen 5 is amazing.”

( Let Etain to sleep the night off, she wouldn’t face them anyways )

(She is jet lagged, I want her to do something.)


(go ahead. Just don’t get her killed.)

Drynold walks through the streets, the streets are dark and he enters a darker neighbourhood without realizing it. He is really tired.

Raul: “Look at him, he’s really tired eh, this will be an easy one.”

“Don’t get too cocky Raul.”

Étaín decides to start looking for an apartment in the cheaper area

Jacques follows him into the dark area, and remains hidden.

Raul steps on the gas and tries to cut off Drynold. Drynold quickly dodges and is able to run to an alley.

Raul: “Get him!”

Raul gets out of the car and as soon as he gets out he gets hit by Drynold’s blast. He gets knocked to his SUV. The goons start firing at Drynold, but Drynold manages to dodge the shots thanks to his reflexes

Raul: “Mabel, go for it!”