Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Jacob walks up inquisitively and politely asks “Uh… Excuse me sir… What happened here? Is everyone alright?”

Drynold takes another picture and then puts his camera away, looking at Jacob

“No idea… this looks… weird… I haven’t seen any explosion like this. It seems like someone was bleeding right over here”

Points at the wall

And the blast came from the front passenger seat, there’s some hieroglyphs there… Ah, but what am I blabbering

Drynold laughs

I am Drynold Storm, a private investigator. A pleasure to meet you

Offers a handshake

Takes the handshake, not averting his eyes from the symbols.

“Uh…Yeah… Hold on a sec.”

Jacob pulls out the Grimoire that he wasn’t able to decipher at the library and compares it’s runes with those that Drynold pointed out.

(Are they the same type of characters? Any similarities that provide insight into the contents of the book?)

Drynold looks at the Grimoire

Those look like runes… These ones here, are hieroglyphs. I need to translate that myself.

(Hieroglyphs ain’t runes sadly afaik)

But do you have any idea what could’ve caused this? This certainly wasn’t just a regular explosion.

(tbh I have no idea what the runes look like so i figured they might be simillar to hieroglyphs)

Jacob shoves the grimoire back into his bag and mutters to himself
“someone with a card?.. no… Wait…”
Jacob recognizes the vehicle as the one Lilian and the mobster left in.

“What happened here? Quickly, I need to know. Where are the people who were in this vehicle?!”

“No idea. I heard two people were transported to the hospital… But you mentioned cards? What cards are you talking about?”

Drynold raises his eyebrow

“Uh… It’s nothing!”
Jacob quickly tries to change the subject
“Which hospital were they taken to? I know someone who was in this vehicle.”

Takes up his notes

“They were taken to “Monkklin Hospital” one of the bodies has disappeared tho, but you mentioned that you know someone, who? Could you give me a name and a description of the person?”

Jacob gives the description of both Raul and Lilian.

Writes down on his notes.

“Interesting… Now, about the cards… Is this about the “magic cards” that are in the city?”

Drynold shows his godcard

“Is it about this?”

“Oh shit. You’ve got one too?! Is there anyone in this town that hasn’t recieved one of these things?!”

Drynold looks confused

“This is what I’m trying to find out. What does yours do? I don’t even know how to use mine…”

(I would like to take this moment and remind Monkke that Jacob has a Gen 2 power that could come into play here if you didnt already know. I for sure didnt)

(Jacob actually doesn’t yet. He hasn’t gen’d up.)

Jacob pulls out his Apollo card and holds out his palm.

A flame ignites and Jacob tosses it aside, and it disappates as it hits the ground.
“Like that. Let me see your card, I can help.”

(oh, never mind then)

Drynold hands his card to Jacob. It says: “Forseti’s sense: Ability to see if someone is evil or good”

Hands the card back to Drynold.
“Just hold the card out and focus on me.”

Drynold takes the card and tries his best to foxus on Jacob… nothing happens

Damn it, I don’t feel anything?

(might i give suggestions for what Jacob could say?)
(we both know Jacobs going to teach him, probably successfully, its just mainly thee flavor)