Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Lil is at the door smoking Hey

ā€œHow did you find me?ā€

Itā€™s very easy, but my tricks are my own

ā€œWhy are you here?ā€

I just saw some fucking skeletons and I thought you could help figure what the hell is going on

ā€œSkeletons? What?!ā€

(The best we can do in that RP is arrive btw, we wonā€™t RP fighting any of the skeletons. Due to Dama requesting it. We can do it after Dama comes back)

(wait where did he say that)

Julia sees the shop is closed so goes home

Iā€™m confused as you mate, and I donā€™t wnana get charged with loitering so why donā€™t you let me in?

ā€œIā€™m afraid I canā€™t.ā€
She walks out and closes the door.
ā€œSo what do you want?ā€

Raul has put on his suit and walks around a bit. He takes some of the food and treats himself for some.

Lil stays by the door and trys to listen in

ā€œI will repeat, what do you want?ā€

(Who is that too?)


Cal follows his cue and runs.

Further research reveals Raulā€™s career as a mercenary, although itā€™s a bit vague. A CCTV recording shows Raulā€™s face momentarily before he puts on a mask. The same mask that appear on the recording of Lilian apartmentā€™s CCTV on the day she went missing.

The spirits are not really listening. They are too busy muttering, thinking of their own business.

@Monkke @Daericul

The drunk woman climbs down the car. Sheā€™s holding a bottle of wine. Pretty sure it wasnā€™t there, but not really sure.

Alice: Anyone wants some? Good to numb nerves.

She takes a swig

The news of the graveyard spreads wildly online. Soon, a media van comes to the cemetery

TV crew: What the hell. Quick, the camera! We should be the first to air this.

Thomas whistles at the sight. So many undead. Itā€™s clear someone decided to do some necromancy in the graveyard and it got out of hand, then again who is stupid enough to perform this kind of necromancy in NYCā€¦

Thomas realizes he could use his mana to break the necromancy of the undead possibly.

Hey Drynold, cover my six for a sec will ya?

Thomas charges up a ball of mana, larger than usual and just abit larger than a baseball and shoots it at the closest undead

Does Thomas succeed in breaking control with the mana ball?
(heading off for the night)

well, if you guys wont listen, i guess Iā€™ll go back
heads back to house
Oh hey G, and i believe you are Calā€¦?

where were you?