Compulsive Day Childkiller
Whenever someone reveals their class in the same manner of an Innocent Child, you will compulsively kill them at the moment they reveal.
Compulsive Day Changeling
Neutral Special
Whenever someone reveals their class in the same manner of an Innocent Child, compulsively turn them into a Spawn
If noné with those ICesque abilities spawned, this person becomes a Spawn.
Win condition is to eliminate all people but other spawns, survivor wincons and the Changeling.
Neutral Killer
Stab (Night) - Kill.
Win condition is to eliminate all people but other spawns, survivor wincons and the Changeling.
Compulsive Day Spawn Killer
If a player becomes a Spawn, compulsively kill them at the moment the conversion takes place.
Also compulsively kills all ressurected targets the moment the ressurection takes place because you are a goddamned spawn killer.