Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


The Predator

Neutral Killing.
Duty (Passive) - If all neutrals have died, you will die no matter what the following night.
Bloodshed (Passive) - You are seen as Assassin/Cult Leader the two nights following a neutrals death. During these nights, you are immune to the Neutral Killer’s attack.
Pure Daylight (Day) - Kill someone in the day publicly, nothing can prevent this. If they are not neutral, you will commit suicide the following night. - 1 use
Neuts OUT! (Day) - Execute a person with L-2 votes, if they are not neutral, you will commit suicide the following night. - 1 use
Observe (Night) - You will know if this target is neutral or not. - Infinite uses
Killing move (Night) - You will attack someone tonight, if this person is not neutral, you will commit suicide the following night. - 1 use
Your objective is to live to see every neutral die and kill at least one neutral.

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Neutral Social

Vanilla town who must never make any comments that offend another players.
You may not claim this class or your win condition in any form. Don’t attempt to bypass this restriction.

Goal: Get a compliment from someone.



Impartiality is for the weak
Take the rolelist when you finish rolling up the game. Good.
You as a host are now allowed to distribute the roles to your players as you seem fit, instead of randomly.
Reroll this slot.

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Generic JRPG Healer

Blue Dragon Support
Spell Prayer (Passive) - You have a book of spells. The host should make a list of at the minimum 8 spells for you to choose. You may choose to cast them at any moment, once per cycle, and they work as a Dreaming God would work, although they don’t need to be universal and may be targeted.
Fantastical Sexism (Passive) - Men can’t roll this role. Agenders and women are cool with it, though.
Guard Me (Day) - Select your player. They will become your bodyguard tonight - Infinite uses
Let Me Help You (Night) - You may protect another player every other night, which will leave that player unable to be killed for two nights. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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The Amnesiac

Unseen Support
Memory Loss (Passive) - You will not know you are a member of the Unseen, instead thinking you are the Sheriff. Your results will be randomised and not accurate. This lasts until day 4.
Wake Me Up (Day) - Select a player. You will become the Unseen version of their class for the night. 1 night cooldown - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm…

  1. Memory Lose Passive is lost day 4, so you will know your true class and alignment.
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Thanos :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Killer


Mad Titan (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. You can use your abilities even when in jail.
Cursed with Knowledge (Passive) - You are night immune for the night if you kill a member of the Blue Dragon with your abilities. You know that [x] is a member of the Blue Dragon.

Thanos Copter (Day) - Gain immunity to post restrictions for the rest of the day and cure yourself of bleeding and post restrictions.

Balance the Universe (Night) - Kill a player who made less than 20 posts during the last day phase. This bypasses all forms of protection. - Infinite Uses

Your objective is to defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Kira :shield:

Neutral Killing
DeathNote (Passive) - You carry a Deathnote. If you lose the Deathnote you lose all your powers. If you are killed, your killer gets the Deathnote. If lynched the Deathnote can be voted to be given to a player by the town, or burnt. If burnt everyone who once owned the Deathnote will die.
Write Your Name (Day) - Select a player. They will die within an hour. Bypasses immunity - Infinite Uses.
Pass the Note (Day) - Give a player the Deathnote. You will appear BlueDragon/Town when it is not in your possession. Starting Kira only - Infinite Uses.
Shinigami Eyes (Night) - Learn a player’s exact class - Infinite Uses.
Bloody Hands (Night) - If you don’t have the DeathNote, Select a player. If they have the DeathNote, you will attack them - 1 time use.
Your Objective is to kill all criminals and survive to the end of the game…

  1. If someone else gets the Deathnote, they get the Passive and day ability alongside their original class. Their alignment does not change. The Bloody hands and Pass the Note are for the starting Kira only.
  2. I made it better -_-

steblue = BD
purple = Unseen
darkred = cult
There is no standard neutral color


The Bright Light

Light Special
Blinding Light (Passive) - You are not only occupy and redirect immune, but you occupy all new visitors to yourself, piercing occupy immunity of all kinds (This will always take priority)
Lights Out (Passive) - If you die and no other members have the “Pass the Torch” passive, all members of the Light faction die as well
Shine Brightly (Day) - If anyone uses a day ability or day action, it will be used on someone else randomly. You will also be revealed to the court as The Bright Light. - 1 use.
Path of Light (Night) - Convert someone into the Light faction. They keep their original class abilities, but they now exclusively win with the Light faction. If they were a member of the Dark faction, they publicly die instead - Inf uses, 1 day cool down
Pass the Torch (Night) - Grant a member of the Light faction that is not yourself the passive “Pass the Torch” - 1 use, cannot gain any more uses of this ability
Your objective is to defeat all other factions and classes that cannot win with you, along with the Dark faction

Pass the Torch (Passive) - If The Bright Light would die, you will become the new Bright Light without a use of Pass the Torch

The Enlightened

Light Unknown
Lights Out (Passive) - If The Bright Light dies and no members of the Light faction have the “Pass the Torch” passive, you will die with them.
Other Passives carry on from the previous class that they were
Day Abilities carry on from the previous class that they were
Night Abilitis carry on from the previous class that they were

Your objective is to defeat all other factions and classes that cannot win with you

The Bright Light can convert anyone, and starts off with no other members

This class along with

will always spawn together, otherwise they reroll.


Rafaam, the Supreme Archeologist :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer


Staff of Origination (Passive) - Immune to death at all times except every third cycle. Each third cycle you may choose to gain an additional passive.

Lantern of Power (Passive) - All of your abilities are guaranteed to succeed. Your visits will be hidden. Every third cycle you will be able to kill an additional player.
Mirror of Doom (Passive) - Once you gain this passive, you must choose a player. When you die, they will become the new Rafaam, the Supreme Archeologist. They won’t have any passives gained by Staff of Origination.
Lost Timepiece (Passive) - Every night you may choose to replay a prior action of yours. You may only choose one per night and the action will happen independent of yourself.

Wish for Power (Day) - Gain a basic 1-shot night ability of your choice. This includes any non-unique BD or Neutral main night ability action from the FoL Class Cards thread. - Infinite Uses
Scheme (Day) - Prevent the target from using day abilities. If successful, you may use an extra action this cycle (can apply to night actions). You will be informed if successful. - Infinite Uses

Swat (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite Uses

Defeat everyone who would stand in your way.


All rolls between 1560-1599 are instead the mod’s choice of role.


Stop the entire game. You are now running a D&D5E dungeon. You may choose the dungeon and etc.
The GI game will start as normal when the dungeon is over.

Disabled for Geyde’s GI game



Thanos Copter

Blue Dragon Support

Noble Sacrifice (Day) - You will die tonight. The target player on board will be immune to death and conversion while this is happening. - 1 Use

Free Ride (Night) - Add a player on board. If you die, all players on board will die as well. This effect is disabled if you are converted. - Infinite Uses

You fix numbers now
Modboys do not have the right to be lazy

I have just noticed
If town is scum
The Mafia is a NB faction



Neutral Special

Go Weegee (Passive) - Three players are randomly assigned as having ghosts in their room at the beginning of the game. The classes of the players are [x], [y], and [z]. Once you have achieved your wincon you will leave the game. They will know they have ghosts, and two of the players are guaranteed to be from a good faction.

Green Missile (Day) - Anonymously shoot an ITA at a player with a base 15% accuracy. - 2 Uses
Death Stare (Day) - You will learn the identity of a random player who does NOT have a ghost in their room. - 2 Uses

Strobulb (Night) - Learn if a player has a ghost in their room, and their exact class if they do. You will regain a use of Poltergust 5000 if succesful and you have none currently.This bypasses all frames and tailors. - Infinite Uses
Poltergust 5000 (Night) - Kill a player. Does not expend a use if they had a ghost in their room. - 1 Use

Make sure that all ghosts are fucking dead.

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O Gato

Town Compulsive Haste All Vigilante Doctor Roleblocker Alignment Cop Post Restrictioner God Alien-Meeter Lottery Winner
Compulsive (Passive) - You must use your abilities whenever possible. If no input is submitted, you will use them at the end of the day (in the case of day abilities) and every night (in the case of night abilities).
Haste (Passive) - You can use all your abiliies on the same day (in the case of day abilities) or night (in the case of night abilities).
All (Passive) - Your abilities target all players when used.
Vigilante (Night) - Select a player to attack them.
Doctor (Night) - Select a player to heal them.
Roleblocker (Night) - Select a player. They will be prevented from using abilities this night.
Alignment Cop (Night) - Select a player to check their alignment.
Post Restrictioner (Night) - Select a player to give them a post restriction.
God (Night) - Discover the true nature of this setup and the rolelist.
Alien-Meeter (Night) - Make alien friends.
Lottery Winner (Night) - Gain a million dollars.
Goal: Defeat all factions and neutrals who seek to do you harm



BD aligned Strongwiller

Feels bad when this targets the above class

Dhurke Sahdmahdi
named Mafia aligned 2 shot emissary strongwiller omnimiller

Feels good targeting the above class

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The Snap
Kill half players rounded down randomly at the start