Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition


Observer except he has infinite window peeks and frames/mindwarps do not affect him

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The PKR Flowchart

One main converter will be forced to follow the flowchart or they will be modkilled.

Roll this slot again after this change


495 (Unseen version of 445 aka the Danganronpa Roleplayer) -

Remnant of Despair

Unseen Social
Script (Passive) - You must act like a character based on any Danganronpa Roleplay in the forums (Example: Uzu, Faze…). The character you must act as will be decided through RNG. The personality of the character will also be described to you. If you break character, you will die immediately.
Surveillance Camera (Day) - Spy on a player for the day. If they use a day action, it will be revealed to the Unseen. - 3 uses
Misdirection (Night) - Give a player incorrect results. - Infinite Uses
Goal: Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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If you get Daryl/shizuku/Faris, does that mean you literally say nothing the entire game or go afk



BD Assassin

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:confused: We’ll see what happens



Neutral Asshole
Asshole (Passive): Any post you make, you must be as much of an asshole as possible. Refusal to do so will get you modkilled.
Spread the Salt (Night, Infinite. 1-night cooldown): Turn someone else into an asshole version of their class. They still have the same goal they did before. They will know they are now an asshole. Only the original asshole has this ability, and there can only be one original asshole.
Rant (Passive): If you are lynched, everyone’s night abilities have a 1-night cooldown for 4 nights. If the original asshole is not the one lynched, the effects last for 3 nights. (Note: Getting lynched does not make you win.)
Salt Shield (Passive): You are protected from death at night once. Only the original asshole has this.
Goal: Turn 3 people into asshole versions of their class.

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Nice dude

Passive Nice-You must always be nice and can never insult someone. You must always compliment someone as well. Refusal to do this and your modkilled.
Passive-Nice Shield-You are immune to death once. If you are lynched everyone gets a extra charge of all their limited abilites.
Day Abilify:Nice-Apply all of your passives to someone-Infinite Uses 1 day cooldown

Win Condition:Give 3 people your passives.


Semi Rolecop

Blue Dragon Investigative

Night Ability 1: Role check lite - Learn target player’s class type. If it is unspecified then you will know that it is unspecified. Framed targets return killer. (Unlimited)



Well we are all doomed.

Passive-Doomed-Every day you are alive there shall be a message. Starting from day one it will say “Doomsday is in 5 days” it shall keep counting down every day. If you aren’t dead at the end of D5 everyone dies except you. bypassing EVERYTHING
Passive 2-Popcorn-You are immune to all forms of death except lynch.
Goal:Be the last one alive.

Post 501


Neutral Temmie

Temmie (Temmie) - Temmie (Temmie)

Goal: Temmie

Note: The meaning of the word Temmie is up to the host. However it must have a single meaning that is consistent throughout the card.

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Neutral Social
It’s Lit Fam (Passive) - You have no abilities other than being lit :ok_hand: :fire:
Your objective is to survive.



Game Killer

Neutral Offensive

Slow Death (Passive): For every additional day you survive, the night increases by 12 hours permanently.
Painful Death(Passive): You are night immune and dayvig immune.
Cruel Generosity(Day): Instantly skip the day phase, adding 24 hours instead of 12. All forms of night chat cannot be used tonight. [1 Use]
Waste of Time(Day): Occupy everyone tonight, including yourself, bypassing all immunities. Increase the night by 1 hour for every player occupied. [2 Uses]
Why is This Even Allowed(Night): Temporarily treestump a player for a day and a night. If they are scum, they will be unable to use their night chat tonight and be unable to use day abilities instead. They will be notified. [Infinite]
A Stump is Already Dead(Night): Kill the person you have currently tree stumped, bypassing everything. Additionally, this will add 12 hours to the night phases. [1 Use]

Win condition: Get the game canned for inactivity.



Uzu Sugena

Blue Dragon Investigative

Plot Armour (Passive): Death and occupation immune until a member of the Cult, Unseen, or a Neutral Killer dies.
Ice Cream Party (Day): All investigation results will be 100% accurate tonight, all occupations will bypass occupy immunity, and all kills will bypass night immunity. - 1 use.
Skilled Deduction (Night): Discover how a deceased player died. - Infinite uses.
Little Mole (Night): Get a list of three remaining players (or as many as possible), aside from yourself. At least one will not have the ability to win with the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses.

Traitorous Uzu

Unseen Investigative

Tetrodotoxin Icecream (Day): All Unseen members will appear as a member of the Blue Dragon, and all Neutrals will appear as a member of the Unseen tonight. - 1 use.
Delta Discovery (Night): Occupy a player for 2 days in a row, bypassing immunity. Reveal your class to the person this targets. - 1 use.
Little Mole (Night): Get a list of three remaining players (or as many as possible), aside from yourself and other members of the Unseen. At least one will be a Neutral without the ability to win with the Unseen. - Infinite uses.



Ryan Bryne

Blue Dragon Killer

Masochist (Passive): While poisoned or bleeding (or similar timed-death effects), actions will bypass immunity.
Sadist (Passive): Once ‘Scalding Water’ is used, gain another charge if the target dies. (from Scalding Water, or by other means if it is healed)
Scalding Water (Day): Throw scalding water at someone. They will burn and die in one day unless healed. - 1 use.
I Also Explore Presumably (Night): Cause another player to wonder if your Ultimate at all reflects your character, occupying them for a night. - Infinite uses.

Insane Ryan

Unseen Killer

Unstable (Passive): While poisoned or bleeding (or similar timed-death effects), actions will bypass immunity, and your dayvig will not cause you to suicide.
Clutch Crutch Crush (Day): Beat someone with your crutches, killing them in blind daylight. You will then kill yourself, and be revealed to the Court as your role. - 1 use.
I Also Explore Presumably (Night): Cause another player to wonder if your Ultimate at all reflects your character, occupying them for a night. - Infinite uses.



Potato Chef

Neutral Killer
The Usual (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, occupation and target changing.
No Thanks (Passive) - If a player attempts to pass a hot potato to you, it will fail (and they will die).
Explosive Potato (Day) - Prime the secret explosive you had in your hot potatoes. Any players who currently had a hot potato are dayvigged. - 1 use
Hot Potato (Night) - Give a player a hot potato. Tomorrow night, they have the option to pass it to a different player of their choice, but doing so will mean they can’t use their night abilities. If they don’t pass it to a new player, they die. If they pass a hot potato to a player who already has a hot potato, that player dies. Once the potato has been passed, the player the potato has been passed to has the same options on the next night. You know which players have hot potatoes at any given moment, and you can’t give a hot potato to a player that already had one. - Infinite uses
Scorching Potato (Night) - Give a player a really hot potato. It will kill them tonight. - 2 uses




Neutral Social
Throwing (Passive) - You must ask to be converted every 2nd day or you will be modkilled.
Manipulation (Day) - Target will gain the throwing passive, anyone else with the throwing passive will no longer have it. - 2 uses
Convertable (Night) - Make yourself appear convertable to any converters. - 2 uses
Your objective is to be converted


Litten Hunter

Neutral Special

Hatred of Littens (Passive): You are immune to all abilities from firekitten/htm/memesky. This cannot be bypassed and they cannot roll this class. Your vote secretly counts as 2 against them.
You Talk Too Much (Day): You may only select the person if they are within the three highest post counts. Instantly kill them, bypassing all immunities. [1 Use]
Poplio Power (Day): Summon your Poplio, getting rid of all immunites of target player permenantly and mindwarp and frame them tonight. Only usuable on firekitten/htm/memesky. [2 Use]
Pokedex Entry (Night): Learn the flavor text of target player. [Infinite]
Specialis Revelio (Night): Reveal firekitten’s, htm’s, or memesky’s class if they cannot win with BD at the start of the day in big mod text. [1 Use]

Win Con: Make sure that firekitten, htm, and memesky are dead by the end of the game.



You should make an exception 4 me :wink:





RNG Goddess (Passive): Roll 3 more classes. A random classcard, a win condition, or alignment will be picked from each card from every card to combine them into one card. (Yes, you can become a cult with a NK card that wins with BD. That’s just RNG)
Gambling Queen (Passive): All of your abilities have a total of a 110% chance to succeed split between 2 nights. (Ex: in D1 you choose 40/70 so your D1 and N1 ability has a 40% chance to succeed, while your D2/N2 has a 70%. On N2 you will choose the percentages for the next 2 nights.)
Three’s the Charm (Passive): On every third night, you will gajn additional effects. You will have a 10% chance to suicide, increasing by 10% more every third night. Also, you will have an additional 5% to fail your ability, increasing by 10% more every third night(basically -5% chance to succeed, and yes, you get a shit ton of passives).

I hope I did not make this too difficult