Harry Potter FM - Informed Spec Chat

Actually, Italy pushed strong resistance against Eli being Harry Potter in the neighborhood, so I think that Marshal would believe him over Boss.

Next game I plan to play new and improved and wonā€™t tunnel anyone anymore

Still wonā€™t change how I read people because I read them the proper and right way unlike 95% of the FM Playerbase but Iā€™ll do more in contribution wise and stop the ew tunnels.

can you do me a favor and tell us what the 95% of us are doing wrong that you are doing so differently?

You are all reading people socially.

95% percent of people believe thatā€™s what your suppose to do.
Their not entirely wrong. But if they want to win every single game as Town then it is wrong as if everyone wants to win as Town we need to tone read.
But thatā€™s never going to happen and Iā€™ve realized that because by morals no one understands stuff like that so Iā€™ll just continue reading like I do but Iā€™ll be less tunnel and less ew and more contributing and a power player.

a lot of people here do tone read though?

Jokes on you I donā€™t read people :sunglasses:

And Iā€™m actually giving 5% credit because as far as I know Iā€™m the only one doing it.
Now this is in no way to be rude and I know it may come across that way but that isnā€™t my intention. Itā€™s just my capabilities are different. Itā€™s like putting a stat in something so far fetched that it becomes perfection but in the consequence of no one else seeing it as such.

I get a gutread on them and then try to find stuff in their ISO that backs it up and ignoring the rest :sunglasses:

soulread me owo

When I say Tone Read I say way of word.
Like they say something In a way they donā€™t say as town. Like the tone is wrong.
For example imagine everything someone types is the word ā€œNutā€ now when you see something like ā€œNuutā€ or ā€œNĆ»tā€ you know somethingā€™s wrong.

Your not a participant in the game and never received a Rolecard, therefore I cannot read you.

Like look at Cent.
Just by his tone I could tell he was scum.

His reaction to my ā€œfake red checkā€ was Null Tone but early he had a scummy tone so it never counteracted anything therefore still making him most probable scum.

tonereading is good but i donā€™t think it works on everyone

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Love me or hate me I read my way.

oh no i was referring to light lol

Well again, Iā€™m just assuming the way I do it is termed as ā€œToneā€ there could be another word for it.
It works on everyone, but if you donā€™t pay attention to everyone thatā€™s where you lose.


for me i find some players ineffective to toneread

i just find some people naturally towny/scummy via tone

but i might just suck at it

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