MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

Me pls whamm <3

Honestly all this sounds like is telling your scumbuddy that.

We have common sense, I assume

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Teaching people how to not fuck up

You all talk about dumb shit for a bit before I do my first node

Btw, I /confirm

So… how’s the weather?



So we wait for wham to get on

I’m still here

Choose me :rage:

When you spam choose me you essentially ask to be framed for a hack
Especially when you don’t know my alignment

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Eh, I don’t know how you can pick someone, but okay

N1 is essentially random
I’m going to pick the person below me most likely as that’s meta in the game itself

Reading OP is fun. You should try it.

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AKA be a good boy Squid

I don’t understand what it means!

What I meant was rules, but we already talked about that so it’s fine


Hey Poisoned u the DA rite

You can claim :wink: we give u free winz