[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - Voting Thread

Thread to cast votes for Community Forum Mafia 2.

No other posts allowed, just empty votes.

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Datbird Icibalus 1
Winged batter-powered toaster PokemonKidRyan 1
Italy clonedcheese 1
Cheese Pencil Sharpeners, AreteBOT, Datbird, Frostwolf103 4
Apprentice Centuries, TrustworthyLiberal 2
Leafia Ami, Marshal, Moleland 3
Solic Geyde 1
Napoleon sulit, Apprentice 2
SirDerpsAlot oB_L1ght 1
Icibalus Solic 1
Nerbins Napoleon 1
N.1 Hippoyeetus 1
Simon KyoDaz 1
oB_L1ght Alice, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, Battery-Powered Toaster With Wings 4
1 Like

/Vote Leafia

/vote PKR

/vote oB_L1ght


Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Italy clonedcheese 1
Cheese Pencil Sharpeners, AreteBOT, Datbird, Frostwolf103 4
Apprentice Centuries, TrustworthyLiberal 2
Leafia Ami, Moleland, PokemonKidRyan 3
Solic Geyde 1
Napoleon sulit, Apprentice 2
SirDerpsAlot oB_L1ght 1
Icibalus Solic 1
Nerbins Napoleon 1
Simon KyoDaz 1
oB_L1ght Alice, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, Battery-Powered Toaster With Wings, Marshal 5
PokemonKidRyan Hippolytus 1

/vote Solic

/vote Leafia

/vote Cheese

/vote cheese

/vote ModeShifter

/vote Frostwolf

/vote pkr

/Vote Sulit

/vote ob_Light

/vote Light

/Vote Mood