[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Checking Cloned’s ISO in ToS FM.

I read like 10 posts and he feels different already. Much more invested and confident, willing to wolfhunt, has conviction in what he’s saying…

The start was really bad, but then he started doing stuff.

I think this is a really villagery post, too.
I sustain my V read on cloned. The two cheeses seem similar. He hasn’t really been playing recently, but what does exist in his ISO is quite good. He’s doing stuff, he’s reading people, and he doesn’t sound hesitant/scared/overly cautious.

He’s not that different. In ToS he had slightly more conviction, but the overall content, tone and behavior feel similar. My initial impression was “different,” but upon re-reading, I reached the conclusion that he’s “not so different” after all.


Killing me today is a big mistake.
Killing me D3 = Cool pro gamer move.

I don’t know how much I have to state this.

if you die today can’t we vote normally

i do think exiling wazza is something that should happen earlier in the day and aren’t we getting kinda close to eod?


Ici? (I think his low investment in the game might not stem just from the fact he’s playing a mash elsewhere, but also because he may be a wolf. It’s actually AI for him how invested he is. That said, his early game was good and he did dunk on an openwolfer, so I’m placing him here for now and will re-evaluate later if needed.)

Confirmed not Demon:


0-posters/rand slots:

Mist1422 (I think he’s been doing his wolftell and should die for it.)

Not the village and not 0-posters:

katze (Haven’t seen anything particularly clearing. It’s a traveler, though, so lower priority.)
Hippo (Cased him above. Slot that hasn’t been pressured and hasn’t done much actual solving. Feels like fake solving, and the pressure from that slot is directed at the wrong set of players.)

I think Ici should shoot in the 0-posters/rand group today. I feel like we’re wasting KP.

this slot is probably town for science reasons

probably fair given i wanted to be exiled today so i could be a dead town vote

Exactly why I keep saying to exile me tomorrow and not today. It’s far too late and Town aren’t co-operating with each other at all. Not to mention the inactivity and the fact you will not get 9 votes in 3 hours.

I’ve expressed the same sentiment, but I can’t put the slot anywhere else.

Don’t forget, we still got another thunderdome

i hate that you’re right because it means i shouldn’t kill you today

/unvote to exile Wazza

If we can agree here then we can start working together for once.

We currently have 2 Thunderdomes, and both are 3 ways which is always lovely.

1 - 3 are Scum


2 are Town, 1 is Scum:


Italy, most likely. Napoleon is a Minion at worst. Simon is always town FMPOV.

DatBird is an openwolfer, so Priestess’ slot should be clear. Assuming you didn’t make a mistake and this really is 100% confirmed info / thunderdome.

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if kyo is real and not channelmastered then this is mech info

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Honestly, the info makes sense to me based on my reads, so I’m inclined to think Kyo is real and not malfunctioning.

Mechconfirmed if Kyo is real/not channelmastered

Your reads are exactly the same as mine and it’s starting to frighten me.