[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Asking you who’s most likely to be scum is not the same as what I asked. If someone you thought for a fact was a non-scum neutral flipped town, you would be suprised, no?

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Because almost all abilities give no feedback here, so mechanical gamesolving is nigh imipossible and only serves to help scum organize their nightplans like framing a certain person or occupying a person that is about to invest a scum. Stuff like that.

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You are irrelevant ATM. Of course, what you say D1 will still factor in how I scumread you. King will never be a lynch d2 unless they are openwolfing so I’m not gonna bother reading King rn when we have better people to read.

So, who do you think is most likely scum?

What game do you think it is? Unseen or cult?

Derp or Ozz atm.

Kape didn’t tell me. :frowning:

Who wouldn’t you CS the most?

I think it’s cult. Didn’t someone claim pala earlier?

Yes, the King did.

The king did i believe

nah i think it was a meme claim


well in that case i don’t really know

Dat is Paladin confirmed. Cult game lads.

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Okay, but why is that more interesting of a question to ask for you? I’m really puzzled why you would already want to setup your own mind of being wrong of a read potentially.

No need for your hosility, @Cheeki. You said above that @Italy was a scumread that no one had asked a claim from, so I figured I would do the honours.

I am not going to claim D1 and I don’t think anyone should unless it is completely necessary.

Also, a lot of you are getting defensive when I painted you as a scumread. I made my intentions clear in my post as to why I did that. I’m only trying to draw out as much information as I can.

@Solic, you are my biggest scumread because you would be playing as blunt as @DatBird was AFTER he got found out in the last game. IMHO, if you are actually a knight that open claimed D1 you made a big mistake. Not only is it a big target on your back for any scum, but if you are a wrong with you N1 CS that you are claiming to make you could drastically hinder the game for any town players. The play that you are making would be better suited for an Assassin or Fool.

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Solic, keep in mind being inactive doesn’t make you scum. Some people have other things they have to do.

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Who I wouldn’t??

It’s subject to change.

Fool doesn’t have the objective to get self executed in FoL

Smart answer, he didn’t tell me either. Though, I expect a cult game just because my first FoL match was an Unseen game, cult games are way more confusing (cult points who?), and life hates me.