[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 4 - Day 4 - The Blue Dragon and the Plutocratic King win!

Totally agree on this

Well if yall determine Solic or What scum sure if not merc is a fine exe, Prince almost never uses all three so that shouldnt be the concern. Which one did u mean or did u mean in general

I have an idea, but i can’t really say it because then merc would know.

Is it ‘Hang one of his targets so he sacrifices himself’
I’ve already thought about it. If he’s lying and not mercenary then it’s really bad. Furthermore he could just claim to not have used the ability.

This contract reveal was bad for BD… Anyways I got to be somewhere, I’ll be back in a bit.

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I think the contract reveal makes little difference as long as we have a sherrif to scout one of sol/what.
If we don’t, or it’s cult game, probably wasn’t as good

No, it was actually mass vote on one of his targets so he used saviour, but don’t up them so we still have our day of voting. One use and one use only.

This is why I didn’t like this line

He’s setting up for an excuse if we execute What. He could just say he was saving the ability for Solic.

Hence why all neuts are evil and shouldnt be trusted. They arent playing for town. Just themselves. The what line makes me think hes not even one of the targets

@What did u receive ur contract?

Yeah what if you didn’t recieve a contract speak now

I do feel like we need to hear more from What. They’ve been typing, I can see it, but they’ve offered precious little from their own PoV for us to read them with. Even just confirming the contract would be useful for us.

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You don’t need to write a paragraph, just yes or no.

I mean if you wanted to kill him he would just get prince exed anyways, so I couldnt realistically do anything about it

am i suppose to recieve a pm of being a contract? All I got is my class.

no you dont know if you were

…You win this round.


That’s the point, he was baiting you.

Vets are going to do a lot of baiting this round.

No we were just reaction-testing ya.
If you said you were, it would be clear you and derps were scumteam

can you be more active so they know if ur good or not what

That was three different people trying to test for a groupscum play. And I think Dat did that earlier as well, but I might be wrong because that would mean he did it to Solic.