Pokèmon 9er - Uninformed Spec Chat


oh yeah also

this is weird af

ok bye

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this guy simpin’ hard for cas LMAO

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appel randed mafia

this is a villager

this is a gamer

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Ok specs, predictions on who will flip and what allignment

somebody will die and they will flip an alignment

im too lazy to catch up so ill assume arctic is top wagon and will flip mafia jailkeeper

Looking at recent vote count

Half the game isn’t voting

Town will be lynched

Probably cheese

Arctic isn’t even a wagon :joy_cat:

YBW and Arctic are scum sort by postcount ftw

maybe min or Appel

I think gorta is very scummy therefore he’s town

oh i forgot about this game

When it’s 15 minutes to eod and the two people online aren’t voting

I am being as passive aggressive as possible