[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

Anime fm we lost cuz poe had like 1 scum in lol

Not cuz ppl didnt follow it

I mean some ppl were p dumb it was a mixture of things.

it was a combo of that

PoE wasn’t great

but people shot other people who were not PoE and not wolves

and so if PoE is bad and you think that, say that

but otherwise i’m gonna be making my shotlists

The idea is to collaborate on the shotlist and take out town and keep the wolves in.
Can’t happen if you just let one person do it.

I’m going roguehippo this game I tried being helpful as mechahippo and I still lost.

lendun wasn’t posting.

Ici was PoE.

Italy was PoE until Kyo distracted everyone.

Sulit only got out of the PoE as they pocketed Arete in the neighborhood.

Arete’s a special case as NKs are uninformed, so they are very hard to scumread.

Point is.

A) Villagers need to stop lurking/fluffing and start playing the game they signed up for. This just makes it easy for scum to hide in the nullposters.

B) Don’t just clear people for being newbies. Everyone basically let Italy go because we all thought “yeah, he’s just a noob.”

C) Don’t get pocketed in neighborhoods. Seriously.

D) NKs suck and shouldn’t be used outside of FoL.


And frankly Arete’s read wasn’t effective as we expected a high number of wolves. Since Sulit only had Italy who probably wasn’t talking much in the wolf chat then she probably wasn’t aware of the problem in the thread.

Like, a lot of people here end up misclearing wolves because they end up assuming that the wolves are actually doing something when most wolves here just stick to staying in the sidelines.

I’m pretty sure the waifu cult actually had a lot of conversation

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It was mostly memes

And me not knowing what I’m doing but that’s not the point

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But it wasn’t the cosplayer cult chat

Which didn’t exist

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Like, as I said before.

Villagers here need to actually start playing the game they signed up for.

You can’t make an efficient shot list when half the players are there because they didn’t post.

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I definitely agree with this

even I might need to try and follow it better once I have time to actually play a FM

I disagree if used correctly a NK can be good

Just win as nk lamo