[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

type /in, /join, or something similar to indicate that you want to join

/in , /join , or something similar to indicate that you want to join


Where do I pay for game?

Ah ok.


Now I’m stuck in a loop of ins and outs :^)

Throne of Lies as a game can be bought via… I am actually pretty sure it can’t be bought in China, so you are likely not from there. Huh.

Anyway, this FORUM game is free.

If you would like to buy Throne of Lies, it’s on steam, but it’s NOT REQUIRED to play this forum game.


Altho I’m mildly amused that I had to explain it to Italy.

I dm’d them a lil bit ago to try to make sure there isnt confusion, but idk if theyre coming back :eyes: we shall see

Hello eevee.

I think the OP should say “Genealogy” instead of “Geneology.”

I am here
Was asleep for all of signups until now lmao

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i see ITA i /join


cant wait to hero shoot a locktown d2

hippo yay

can a mod wikify the OP for datbird so I can edit it
@eevee @Chloe

I probably won’t be surprised to see this filled up by the time I wake up tomorrow.
Perhaps I’ll be on the scum chat discord channel.

A mod is indeed able to do it.

May a mod do it for me please?

Mod may indeed do it for you.

Idk how to ask properly.