[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

you are Rantaro after all…

get it, he got hit by a shotput ball on his head and his brain went braindead

I’ll physically die I promise you.

Because I always seem to take everything out of context nowadays sigh
I hate having to explain this

Lowkey I think I’m a shotgunner

/unfriend - DatBird


scum has 15 1-shot abilities


I don’t think it would be a day ability though

gives them a buff

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what if I wrote befriend firekitten

Hey yall so sorry that I havent been on today because work is making me fill out a ton of paperwork. I will come defend myself in like 2 hours when I’m off work.

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So first, I would like to say at the time I was trying to participate and due to my lack of time I thought writing a reads list would be the best way of showing that I’m trying my best to give my ideas and be useful. I didnt mean to tick you off and am sorry for doing so. You were my biggest scum read and it was mainly just a gut feeling. I then went and reread and reread to try and make a solid point against you so it didnt seem like I was randomly voting you and had an argument to why I was doing so. I get called out for random voting and called a sheep a lot when I dont provide this reasoning so I was trying to make a solid argument even if it seemed to you that I was contradicting what I was seeing in villagers as you said here.

Now those things I brought up do remind me of wolfy behaviors but maybe that’s your thing I dont know your playstyle the best.

This was all me on the reasoning, even if it wasnt the best, but I’m not a great player as you can see. Imo the way you have been playing since day 3 of D1 and today, have changed my opinion on your wolf status.

And lastly this, it was my main way of trying to not seem like a sheep by trying to bring up my own reasoning for voting. If that’s not the way I should approach voting I’ll try and improve and improve. I wasnt trying to make it feel unique I was just trying to provide points of reasoning and if that’s wolfy, it’s my mistake for misinforming yall and I’ll try to adapt for the better.

You sheeped with a scum.

Explain that would you.

I was passed the bomb by Nerbins as he says.

Confirmed Town/High Town Leans:

  • Me
  • Geyde


  • Eevee
  • Solic
  • Ici
  • Nerbins
  • Squid



  • Hjasik
  • Margaret
  • Maxwell

High Scum Leans:

  • DatBird

Please ping me on the players I need to explain.


okay can you actually contribute to something instead of memeing all the time?

I’ve contributed all the time

So that’s great and all, but where does that leave us. :eyes: Who are your scumreads?

From a good news - I just moved to a new home, yey.

From a bad news - I am freaknig tired from just moving stuff, and I still need to unbox like… a lot of boxes.

I’m not even gonna bother reading anything, so if you have any questions, ping me like Squid did.