[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Artic’s suggestion is equally bad. We don’t blindly lynch between two people

yeah it was more of a memepost

why hunt for a wolf between 5 people when we can hunt between 2

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Makes sense, but it would be very risky to mislynch a town PR. That’s the only real concern I have with it, since both Cloned and I are definitely PRs.

Another thing: if we mislynch a town PR and you assume the other one of us to be scum, but we both turn out to be town, the town will lose.

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because less risky?

FMPoV there’s 0/1 scum in the set of {Wind} based on the existence of a framer

killing one of us and being wrong results in a fake PR continuing to live, both PRs dead, or a ML on a PR.

not killing one of us and being wrong at least results in at least one PR living, in the case that wind is town.

I’m going to agree with Cloned on this and sift through the other 5 of you, but the rest of you are free to speculate on whether Cloned or I are scum.

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read us, and make judgements on us

but it’s not beneficial for the kill to be between us

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Like, at the very least it doesn’t make much sense for Cloned and me to point fingers at each other because we’re at a bit of a stalemate right now if we really are both town. I want the rest of you to give us your reads on both of us, and then we can read you guys based on how you analyze us.

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even if go for one of the other 5 today, we are still going to go for you 2 at some point (basically the day after)

i don’t see a point in delaying the inevitable

when there is a confliction between the 2 PRs, having them around doesn’t really do much for us
how can we trust anything either of you two say when we know one of you is most likely scum

I’m getting Appel vibes from Windward
really nice and reasonable but someone I’m absolutely unable to read

This is why I said we don’t blindly lynch

We have a lower percentage to hit a wolf out of 1/5 vs 1/2

the point is for there to be a chance of at least one town PR living through N2

but as long as both PRs are alive neither can do anything
since we are almost certain one of you is fake and we don’t know which

not really?
I can check someone and “clear” them

Wind can check someone else and “clear” them also

alternatively we can find more baddies

basically we get more info

…but if we know that one of you is fake and we don’t know who it is then isn’t both of your information in effect nullified?

@clonedcheese I want your summarized opinion on my slot as well

We need to solve this PR conflict today though

Of course. But the thing is, if both of us are town invests, one of us is guaranteed to die tonight unless the mafia think it would be funny to let the town lynch us during the day and destroy its strongest means of eliminating scum.

But here’s the thing - there might not be a conflict between us if there really is a mafia framer. And if there’s a framer, it would confirm us.

Let me ask another question, too - what would the purpose of a mafia tracker be in this game? We have a couple VTs who are incapable of visiting, and two of them are dead. That would mean the town has an alignment cop, so a mafia tracker would really only track the alignment cop to make sure the mafia wouldn’t be in hot water. That just seems like a bizarre setup to me, and of course I say this being a town tracker, but that’s what I think.

Mafia wouldn’t kill a PR right away if they had a framer and thought the PR was investigative. But if they had a tracker they might as well go ahead and kill the town PR to save themselves from being found.

not really because you know for a fact one of our info is true

As long as we promise not to investigate each other again and waste a night

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If there’s a framer, though, then both of our roles would be valid (just that the feedback would be botched).

So don’t discount the possibility. Go ahead and give your reads on us, but don’t hyperfocus so much that you miss signs of a mafia PR among the other 5. We don’t need the town to continue to yeet itself because of the confusion on whether or not it has more than one PR.

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