[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Appel’s read on you has a lot of evidence and logic behind it. literally everything she says with quotes makes almost complete sense and i can’t help but be compelled by her argument on why you are scum

you on the other hand seem more like you’re desperate and grasping at straws rather than sounding logical. most of your comments are in short and don’t have much elaboration

like these spam posts seem a bit desperate

though i already explained why i think it’s unlikely for you to be scum and i can’t say the same for appel, let me find it

I’m tired and didn’t plan to talk until tomorrow, but you sure are doing a great job shading me.

“Appel has done this as a wolf”
“Appel has done that as a wolf”

“I screwed up with my vote, but I think Appel is a wolf for scumreading me”

Your whole argument is based on how I’m supposedly in my wolf range, rather than actually finding me wolfy – save for my push on you. It irritates me.


Thats a fair point. I dont know how to feel about whether appel or gorta is a wolf though. I feel like if we vote out one we can always safely vote out the other (if the first one flips town)

Gorta, I can’t be bothered to go grab the post, but you talked about how I’m scum with Kiro. If that’s the case, why was I arguing against letting people townread Kiro? Why do I keep putting them in PoE? Depending on your reads, why am I not putting others below them – for example, why didn’t I immediately jump on Arctic’s tone in order to have a reason to justify a push on them? The thing I talked about in my wallpost. Your read is extremely narrow when it comes to me.

I only skimmed through EoD, the reason I’ve been focusing on you is because I was so baffled by you voting your highest townread, lead by your biggest scumread. I literally explained this.

I will analyze this when I feel like it. Right now, I feel like I’m being forced into this comversation because when I come to see how things are going, I see Gorta blatantly shading and scumreading me for reasons that don’t make sense if you actually bothered to think about it.

I’ll make a case. The thing is that I have some experience with Appel and I was in a game with her in which she purposely didn’t kill someone to put suspicion on them.

I’ll get there, but my gut is rarely wrong

Okay. Have you explained this sudden change of mind anywhere?

You’re larger wall post on me was full of slander. Like when you claimed I was out for blood and just jumped on the conflict and never left it.

I’ll address all of these points in my larger wall post when I get the chance

Once again, great job shading me. This argument, in its very core, is: “Appel has done something as town, something weird happened so Appel is a wolf wolf wolf”

On an unrelated note, this seems like you know exactly why Min was killed, as you obviously seem to know that me being a wolf is the omly possible reason. I’m too tired for this

I am saying I wouldn’t put it past you to kill Min to frame me because you have done this kind of stuff as a wolf before

You can probably sleep because my wall post will take a while

Yes. You’re basing your whole argument on “this is possible” and treating it as the truth, without even having looked at any other possibilities. You keep pushing someone, based on that argument. You keep mentioning it to others, just to make sure they don’t forget that Appel also does this as a wolf. Do you understand why that strategy is flawed, if I spell it out for you that way by summarizing your actions?

Here’s a question. Why can’t it be someone else wanting to frame you?

I was openly pushing you and had you at the bottom, while Min had you above the PRs and did not push you, which would make them a less obvious kill.

I have obviously been pushing you, so if I’m a wolf, my plan is to miscuddle you. Why would I, as a wolf, kill Min? Someone who would have you as their biggest scumread when the PRs are removed?

Even such a simple thought process as this shows immediately how narrow your read is. You’re deliberately trying to make me suspicious, and discrediting me because I scumread you.

I’m actually more awake now, talking to you made me angry.

hi wind I see you’re also here

do we agree that there’s exactly 1 scum between these two

Is there a world where they’re both town?

I don’t think the others are skilled enough to pull something like this. That’s why you are my number 1 suspect. I also don’t think you have been honest regarding my slot.

To make me look worse

Thank you, you just contradicted yourself.

You hold the players to such a low standard that you don’t think they will be able to do a slightly less obvious nightkill.

But you’re also saying you hold them to a high enough standard to figure out Min was killed in order to make you look worse – which didn’t happen, by the way. Cloned was the one to point out how the nightkill made you look worse.

Min having the 2 prs and someone who is a very easy mislynch is a great kill if you want to frame several people.

I think either Wind or Worse was the first to point it out that it made me look scummy.