[SFM] Rokugan FM {Game Thread} - Day 1 (1/1) - The Lying Darkness (WazzaAzza) won!


make good on this comment or i will steal your kneecaps

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I kind of agree with Marshal here, which makes me want to lynch VulAmi even more now. I think his interactions are in general anti-lynch, and while that can mean many things the way he just wants to give N.1 more time to think makes me think he is probably town.

On that note

/vote Ami

/vote Ami

for bolded of course



The only thing i know about this image is that i donā€™t understand it

obvious white knight pocket is obvious

neighborizer would actually be a p good claim for mafia as it can town core them and influence actual town core

idgaf what you or anyone say that conversation was going nowhere and everyone knows that

i was defending nobody
only trying to get gamestate past arete yelling at N uselessly and N uselessly replying

That is true, but my analysis has nothing to do with Neighborhoods.

if i can i will remove myself from the chat if you wanna be fucking happy then

The reason I know what Dies Irae is because a video I was watching had the song ā€œDies Iraeā€ in it. Its a pretty good video, do you want the link?

even if you can

whats stopping you from towncoring one of your scum buddies and putting them in it

when did you move to DC marshal?

ah yes, the master plan, towncoring a scumbuddy to specifically get them in a neighborhood i control :unamused:

nice taking it out of context


i think you made a good move

i will deadass take a vig at night if marshal flips town

i will also eat a carolina reaper if he is town

Sadly, I have to agree that I have no idea how powerful neighborhoods are in scumā€™s hands, and I really donā€™t want to lynch either of you honestly, but you are both Locktown for me so rip.

its not out of context

thatā€™s your argument

that i would towncore a scumbuddy for the purpose of getting them into my neighborhood

bolded is the key phrase there

Marshal is going to yell at me for replying to this but I just skimmed your entire Dangan Iso and collected a number of comments that were providing or discussing reads

Iā€™m probably too lazy to do the other ones but given that you consider Dangan an especially strong example of the pattern I feel like this should be a sufficient counterargument

boom bye scum
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i find N to have a high likelyhood of scum

still want to see his reads and ur bickering did nothing