SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

how did frost die

He bled out.

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i will bookmark this page for 48 hours
amelia ping me when u get flavor :slight_smile:

Seriously Gorta and Magnus.
Why do I play with you two when you donā€™t submit a night action when you have 24 hours to do so?

I try to avoid getting angry over mafia games

but come on

if u cant even submit a night action properly, what are you signing up for? You have less posts that the host for godā€™s sake

It only takes a few minutes to log and submit a night action to the host.
How is this hard for anyone to understand?

i thought the 20 post limit was in affect this game

I thought I had time.
I literally set an alarm so Iā€™d be online at time.
Unlike you, I canā€™t be online at midnight.

Thatā€™s your problem. You didnā€™t plan ahead.

You can submit it at 1am

need i say more

I canā€™t be online at night.
I literally canā€™t.
My internet cuts out at that time.

hey guys
howā€™s about we all calm down and have a nice cup of chocolate milk

i see you are like me!

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Bruh why didnā€™t you say so earlier?
Then what on Earth are you doing not planning for that?

N.1 did derps RB you?

But then you can be online in the afternoon? or the morning? itā€™s 48/24 damnit

I did plan for it.
I woke up at eight oā€™clock, so Iā€™d be online at time.
I sent the action in at nine.

No you didnā€™t. Otherwise you wouldnā€™t have missed the dead line.

you know
iā€™d like to not instantly assume people are lying about their reasonings

I saw the time, and forgot about the one-hour thing. I did prepare.

Ever heard of people lying to themselves?