The Astromancer
Neutral Killer
Untouchable (Passive) - You are immune to death, bleeding, occupation, and redirection, and will not be seen visiting your targets. You will be informed if any of these are attempted on you.
Omniscient (Passive) - You will learn the true classes of defiled and voided players.
Outer Void (Day) - Anyone killed by your hand tonight will be hurled into the void, hiding their flip and destroying their logs. 2 uses
Inner Cosmos (Day) - Cover yourself in a veil of stardust, allowing you to appear as a class of your choice tonight to investigations. Additionally, you may submit a player you will be appearing to visit tonight. 2 uses
Stargaze (Night) - Summon a meteor upon a player, killing them. Infinite uses
Doomsday (Night) - Condemn a player to death. You may choose a night past this one where that player will die bypassing anything that would save them. Additionally, all visitors to that player upon that night are attacked as well. 2 usesSurvive to be in the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot lynch you on their own.