The Devourer of Gods
Blue Dragon Killer
Second Phase (Passive) - If you die, your flip will be cleaned, and after a day (You will be revived at SoD, so if you die night 1 you will be revived at the start of day 3. You will not be added to dead chat, obviously.) and once you are revived, you will turn into The Devourer of Gods Final Form (838)
You are no god, but I shall feast upon your essence regardless! (Night) - Kill a player. - 1 Use
Standard BD wincon.
The Devourer of Gods Final Form
Blue Dragon Killer
It’s not over yet, kid! (Passive) - You are death immune, occupy immune, redirection immune and prevention immune.
A GOD DOES NOT FEAR DEATH!!! (Day) - If you are attacked tonight, you will kill your attackers, and if they would bypass your death immunity, you will still live. If you would be lynched today, you will not die and will instead kill the hammerer. - 1 Use.
Lasers. Lots of lasers. (Night) - There’s never enough lasers. Kill somebody with your insane amount of lasers. - Infinite uses.
Standard BD wincon.
If 838 rolls it will instead spawn as 837.